Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I'm So Grateful!

And now, I'm grateful to be able to announce a new workshop, called Raise Your G-Q, Gratitude and Personal Development Workshop, on Sunday, May 26, at Unity Church of Palm Harbor. This is a 2 part workshop, with a follow-up 4 weeks later, on June 23.

This is what Christina Hibbard said about gratitude and appreciation:
"Gratitude teaches us to appreciate both the rainbow and the storm."
Gratitude is nothing more than saying Thank You, which acknowledges your appreciation for something and validates the other person. The Benefits of expressing gratitude are simply amazing! It increases reduces stress, improves your immune system, and increases your mental clarity! Take the Gratitude and enjoy all the benefits!
Raise Your G-Q (gratitude quotient)!
Gratitude and Personal Development Workshop
Unity Church of Palm Harbor
1960 Tampa Road
Palm Harbor FL
Sunday, May 26
12:47 pm - 2:33 pm
Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New Opportunities

Everyone wants to start something new, it seems! This is a prayer/meditation that I found in the book, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay:
In the Infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. My unique creative talents and abilities flow though me and are expressed in deeply satisfying ways. There are people out there who are always looking for my services. I am always in demand and can pick and choose what I want to do. I earn good money doing what satisfies me. My work is a joy and a pleasure. All is well in my world.
I definitely recommend this book.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Playing Golf and Hypnosis

People ask me Can hypnosis really improve my golf game? The answer is yes. Ask any successful player. Many have used hypnosis and visualization to help their game. Of course, they won't tell you about it. They want to be the only one with the hypnotic advantage!  

I just read a book by Chi Chi Rodriguez. It has some great tips for playing golf and even for LIFE!

Only fools live in the past. In medal, a golfer has to learn to immediately forget the last shot, good or bad, and move on to the next one. Compliment yourself on a ball well hit or scold yourself for a poor shot, but then move on quickly. You've got to get out of the past. Put a price on each swing and you'll learn to concentrate and scramble around a golf course to save every shot. Even on a bad day, it's better to lose only a little money, and every stroke you save is change that stays in your pocket. Play every shot as if it is important, because it is.

That's a quotation from the book, Chi Chi's Golf Games You Gotta Play.