Henceforth, it shall be called STUPID Storm Sandy.
What I know about it:
My friend in NJ died the day before the storm hit. His funeral had to be postponed 3 days because roads and cemetaries were flooded.
8 people from Midland Beach Staten Island died.
A fireman almost didn't make it out of his house, which flooded in 13 seconds. He managed to kick out his kitchen window and avoid drowning in his kitchen.
How many homes were flooded in Midland Beach?
My brother and sister-in-law lost their house. (Food, photographs, mementos, trophies,books, jewelry, clothing, furniture, utensils, cat food, dog food, people food, etc. Almost nothing could be salvaged.)
The colleges on Staten Island were closed for a week.
Kean College in NJ was closed also.
Seaview Psychiatric Hospital was closed for a week.
No gas and flooded roads caused the closures.
Electric power was lost for many in NY and NJ.
Subways in NYC were closed.
At least one marriage broke up.
Cars were turned upside down.
Insurance companies denied claims.
My brother will be on Fox News today at 10:45 am.
His name is Dr. Victor Dolan.
He joined every Recovery group and board he could, to advocate for the Staten Island victims. Today he gets to tell about the dismal outcome of the government recovery programs.
One Year Later: Stupid Storm Sandy. (tears streaming down my face)
9 years ago