Deepak Chopra’s words wash over me like a cool stream. The insights are very startling and refreshing. I'm listening to Ageless Body, Timeless Mind (an audio book). That man is very deep.
The book is about Aging and Beliefs.
It seems that positive thinking and belief do have an influence over our health as we age. Deepak Chopra (DC) talks about many studies done on aging and though good genes might buy you 3 more years of life, there are other factors which seem to have a stronger influence. Lifestyle changes like: sleeping at least 7 hours per night, eating breakfast consistently, moderate exercise (30 minutes 5 times per week), moderate drinking (less than FOUR drinks daily!), and no smoking. These are all things we can control. And they can bring 11 more years of life!
I think DC is a very effective hypnotist. Just listening to him on tape can show you a different way to look at things. To me, that is a large part of hypnosis. And of course, hypnosis can help you make the lifestyle changes mentioned above into regular daily habits.
9 years ago