Friday, March 23, 2007

Hypnotic Eloquence

Deepak Chopra’s words wash over me like a cool stream. The insights are very startling and refreshing. I'm listening to Ageless Body, Timeless Mind (an audio book). That man is very deep.

The book is about Aging and Beliefs.

It seems that positive thinking and belief do have an influence over our health as we age. Deepak Chopra (DC) talks about many studies done on aging and though good genes might buy you 3 more years of life, there are other factors which seem to have a stronger influence. Lifestyle changes like: sleeping at least 7 hours per night, eating breakfast consistently, moderate exercise (30 minutes 5 times per week), moderate drinking (less than FOUR drinks daily!), and no smoking. These are all things we can control. And they can bring 11 more years of life!

I think DC is a very effective hypnotist. Just listening to him on tape can show you a different way to look at things. To me, that is a large part of hypnosis. And of course, hypnosis can help you make the lifestyle changes mentioned above into regular daily habits.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I'm so excited about my new class starting next Friday, March 30.

I also have a new office! I'll have to get it ready next week!

See for details about my Hypnotist Certification Course and Self-hypnosis classes.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Vocational education

I am so looking forward to my class starting on March 30. I will be the instructor! It's going to be great. I even have some local hypnotists lined up as guest speakers.

I bought a white board to hang up in my office. And I ordered the manuals and other supplies. There are all kinds of goodies that come in the student kits, like a crystal pendulum! It's neat!

So if you are interested in learning how to hypnotize others (and yourself), check out

Friday, March 9, 2007

How does it feel?

Some people experience sensations of floating, lightness or heaviness, sinking or swirling motions. Sometimes people see vivid imagery. People usually feel calm, relaxed and separate from their worries and pressures. There is less physical and emotional tension. Respiration and heartbeat slow down. If the blood pressure is high, it decreases. Most people experience hypnosis as a pleasant or even euphoric state.

There are many benefits of hypnosis. When you first awaken, you may be groggy for a few seconds, but then you will feel refreshed and relaxed. Separating from your cares for even a few minutes may give you a feeling of relief. Now if you are motivated to change, you may notice it’s a lot easier to break a habit or even start a new positive behavior, like regular exercise. You feel stronger and more positive. You won’t notice little things as much, it increases your frustration tolerance. One of my clients told me that after his first session, that colors seemed brighter, he tasted his lunch for the first time in 20 years, he felt more cheerful and confident, he had an increased sense of well-being, and slept better. These are all part of the relaxation response, which you can obtain from hypnosis or self-hypnosis.

They say all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. So why do we need a hypnotist? The hypnotist’s job is to guide the person into a relaxed state and make positive, meaningful suggestions to them. The suggestions should be carefully worded to instruct the subconscious mind to accept and work toward the person’s stated goals. When that happens, behavior can be influenced in a very direct way. Habitual behavior can be eliminated. New options can be found. A famous hypnotherapist, Dr. Milton Erickson defined hypnosis as a temporary interruption of habitual behavior in order for creative solutions to take place.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Demystifying Hypnosis

What is hypnosis used for?

Hypnosis is a tool for behavior modification. You probably know some uses for it already. Hypnosis is very effective for those who want to quit smoking. A study done in 1995 by the AMA found hypnosis to be almost 80% effective. This means 80% effective for eradicating an addiction! There is no other addiction treatment I know of, which can claim over 25%.
It’s also used to lose weight, stop nail-biting, eliminate the fear of public speaking, and build confidence. Most people come to me for improving either their relationships or their job performance. Hypnosis is very effective for stress reduction, which everyone has, and when the stress is reduced, people become more effective at their jobs and relationships. Someone called me about weight loss. The real problem was insomnia due to stress. After 1 session, the stress level was lower and she could fall asleep more easily. This helps our body digest food and eliminate wastes, therefore, reducing weight gain. Isn't it ironic that worrying about gaining weight, can actually create conditions which make it easier for your body to retain weight?

"Demystify" is a mysterious and mystical word, derived from Latin, meaning to elucidate, make clear, expose.

Next time: confabulation.

Friday, March 2, 2007


What is hypnosis?
It is a natural state, characterized by focused inward attention, and inattention to external stimuli.
This state occurs naturally while daydreaming, watching a movie, or listening to music which brings back memories or associations. Has anyone had the experience of being lost in a daydream, or of becoming absorbed in a book or movie? How about listening to a song on the radio that transports you back the high school prom? Remember when you were in school, and the teacher would talk on and on, while you stared out the window and daydreamed about playing outside with your friends? If the teacher called on you, what would happen?
You’d immediately know you were in trouble. So, what happened? While you were daydreaming, you were in a state similar to hypnosis. Because when you daydream, you focus inward on your imagination, and pay little attention to what is actually going on around you. But if you need to, you can immediately shift awareness from inside to outside.
You might also find yourself so absorbed in a book, that you don’t notice things going on in the same room.
Or, have you ever sat down to watch a movie, and when the credits roll you suddenly come back to the awareness that 2 hours went by in a flash of an eye?!
Time flies when you're having fun; time flies when you’re in hypnosis!

Hypnosis is simply a state of focused attention.