Tuesday, October 30, 2007

This article sucks

When I was a kid, "suck" was considered a bad word. We could only say it if we were talking about vacuum cleaners. Now it's all over TV and high school students use it freely. A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to teach Algebra to H.S. freshman. One day after hearing the word about 500 times and most recently about 50 times from a student in my class complaining about how the school, the teachers, his parents, and his life sucked. I threatened to write him up for disciplinary action if he said it again. He thought I was crazy. "Suck isn't a curse!" He protested. But the way I remember it, it was a minor curse word like Crap or Damn. And it wasn't used lightly. As kids we used to say it stinks when we were displeased. The other word was only suitable when something was outrageously unfair, not just a minor inconvenience. Last week a student in my Greek class (where I am a student), said that English should be spoken correctly. Thay way it would be easier to learn another language. It seems he's not familiar with the proper usage of future and past verb tenses, in English. They aren't common in our spoken language. But he is in his 20s and never learned the finer points of our own language in school. What's happening to the English language? I'm all for progress, but after all is said and done, it will have sucked (future perfect tense).

A message for you

Hidden deep within you is an unstoppable power.

Unstoppable in relationships. Unstoppable in business. Unstoppable in all areas of life.

This power is so extraordinary that even just a brief glimpse of its infinite potential reveals the possibility of changing your life for the better. This power inspires you to create... to learn... to realize the purpose of your own being.

Any limitations are self-imposed, all barriers are self-sabotage. When you make a decision, there is nothing that can stand in your way.


Friday, October 26, 2007

A million

I feel like a million bucks! Nevermind, make that a million dollars! I don’t want to attract Woodland Creatures.

Thank God I’m rich! It makes me smile just to type that!

I have such clarity! Say the things that serve you. Is it lying? According to Mike Dooley, We are an Unlimited Beings of Light. To be offensive with words, use affirmations. To be defensive, be vigiliant. Mad-Eye Moody said, “Constant Vigilance!” Of course he was paranoid, and he wasn’t really Mad-Eye, but an imposter. But the message was valid.

Kiss your bills, that’s what Louise Hay said.

Identify Beliefs that would serve you. Install them using affirmations, hypnosis, acts of faith and acting as if they were true!

These are my musings about manifesting abundance.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Words are things

Does everyone think in words? I think so. Please post a comment or send an email if you don’t.

I do believe thoughts are powerful things. And we do have control over our thoughts to some extent. I believe we have more control over our spoken words than our thoughts. Because we usually think the words before we say them. And I have many thoughts that I do not choose to continue. I deliberately change them. I don’t dwell on sickness or injury or the worst that could happen. I choose to think about health, vibrant health and energy.

I am actually conducting an experiment right now. I affirm every morning and several times per day that I have so much energy, and lots of time. I always have time. I always have energy. I do schedule enough time for sleep and for meditation and self-hypnosis every day. I think that they are essential for me to have boundless energy. I don’t believe I can keep going beyond exhaustion if I don’t take care of myself. Affirmations and self-hypnosis are good, but not enough if I don’t take care of myself. I use affirmations and have had success with them before.

I got the idea for this experiment, because Mike Dooley issued a challenge for his audience to try, which was to keep saying, ”I’m so tired; I just don’t know why I’m exhausted all the time!” Even if you are lying. But I have no doubt that that would succeed and I prefer to create boundless energy, rather than exhaustion.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Leveraging the Universe

I just finished listening to Mike Dooley’s Leverage the Universe, and Engage the Magic. It is mind bogglingly fantastic. It’s awesome. And I went to his website and signed up for Notes from the Universe. So now I get an email everyday from the universe. It’s really cool. Maybe this email addiction I have can lead to a positive outcome!

This guy has been reading my mind. Or is it the other way around? Or am I just accessing the same Universal Mind that he has? I guess he actually started saying these things first, but so much of what he says is what I covered in my Verbal Impact seminar, which will be a 2-hour workshop next year.

I think everyone should talk to themselves in positive way. I think we should talk to each other that way. I think the word “should” should be replaced with could, which empowers you, instead of obligating you to do something. I could go see my grandmother. See? It sounds better than I should go see my grandmother. If I “should,” I might not, because it sounds like a burden. If I “could,” it sounds like a possibility, an opportunity, something that might be pleasant or rewarding. Mike says to replace “should” with “want.” It doesn’t work all the time for me. I’ll go with could. I could get a sandwich for you. I could make an appointment for you. I could help you facilitate change in your life. Etc.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

When Pigs Fly

Okay it’s time. The headline in the newspaper said Pigs Fly! So it’s time to do all the things you said you would do when pigs fly.

And for those people who say, I’ll do it when I get around to it, there is a round tu-it you can purchase (or make if you are creative). I’ve seen them in stores in the Amish country in Pennsylvania.

Maybe the headline was a message for me...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


The space between your thots..

Wayne Dyer says that the average person has 60,000 thots per day. He says they are basically the same thots day after day.

60,000 thots a day! Use them wisely, for thots are things!
Mike Dooley says all you need is 5 minutes per day to visualize your future.

I'll write more about this when I finish listening to the CDs, Leverage the Universe and Engage the Magic by Mike Dooley. So far it is enlightening and inspirational!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

you are getting sleepy...

I just read that sleep problems are so common that 1 in 4 people have them! Get this: sleep deprivation cost the nation $15 billion in healthcare expenses and $50 billion in lost productivity.


I occasionally have some sleeplessness during the night. What happens to me is I wake up once or twice during the night, and once in a while, I just don’t fall immediately back to sleep. This may happen at a time of high stress, when it is hard to shut off the worry tape in my conscious mind. At 3 in the morning I prefer to be asleep, so I need to quiet the conscious mind. I use self-hypnosis to relax every part of my body. By focusing on the progressive relaxation of my body, my mind isn’t yet quiet, but it has a task and this task is somewhat boring and repetitive, so I usually fall asleep pretty quickly. Basically I use the self-hypnosis to trick my mind. It wants to ruminate on anxious thots and worries and what might go wrong. I make it focus attention on each part of the body in a slow and deliberate order. I postpone worrying for a more convenient time for me. I am just so crabby and inefficient when I don’t get at least 7 hours of sleep!

Good night.