Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cyprus photo

I love this photo of a Greek Cypriot child looking through a window in a building in Nicosia, at the Northern part of Cyprus, which at the time was forbidden to him and his family.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Does anybody know about Cyprus?

I just received this press release, from the Cyprus Embassy: September 3 2008 Date Set For Start of Full-Fledged Negotiations‏!

They are going to start negotiations for the reunification of the tiny Island of Cyprus. It has only been divided for 34 years. 30% of the island has been illegally occupied by another country, Turkey. The UN passed several resolutions pertaining to the return of the illegally occupied land to the Greek Cypriots who live on the Southern side, but Turkey ignored them and decided to name their part of the Island, The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Only Turkey recognizes this entity.

The Republic of Cyprus, a small, but independent country, has been admitted to the European Union. Now Turkey would like to join the European Union. Of course, the European Union does not allow any of its members to occupy land in any of the other countries within the Union. So now you understand why it is so important to start Negotiating. There must be a resolution. Outsiders want to reunify the Island as one Republic with 2 separate "States."

I still can't understand why the UN doesn't try to enforce it's resolutions and just have one government and one country on the island.

By the way, Cyprus is an island which boasts that it has been civilized for 10,000 years. The oldest wine containers have been found on Cyprus. Greek myths say that Aphrodite was born on the sea just off of Paphos, so Cyprus was her first home. Also, one of the oldest churches on the Island is the Church of St. Lazarus. He is the Lazarus who Jesus commanded to come out of the tomb. He later traveled to Cyprus and lived out the remainder of his life there.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Young in Spirit

Who said, "The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts." ?

I like this quote. It implies not only that thoughts are powerful, but also that the color is significant. What is the color of your thoughts? Perhaps color makes a better metaphor than using positive or negative to measure them. The quote comes from Marcus Aurelius Antonius in Ancient Rome 170 A.D.

The things that keep your spirit young help keep you youthful. You must look forward, not behind. You must challenge your body, mind and spirit. Learning new things keeps your mind working. Engaging in hobbies keeps you creative. Prayer and meditation hlep you to continue evolving into a better person.

Monday, July 14, 2008

How to stay young

There is a new book out, called The Body Knows How to Stay Young. I just got some info about it:

Caroline Sutherland Shares the Secrets of Healthy Aging—Radio Special July 17 on HayHouse Radio. Is aging getting you down? Are you worried about what might befall you as the years tick away? Health educator and medical intuitive Caroline Sutherland says there is much you can do to slow or even reverse the aging process! When you look at this lively woman in her mid 60s, you can tell she has a few secrets worth sharing. With the energy of a woman in her 30s, Caroline is on a mission to help people embrace aging. This month alone, she has released her new book, The Body Knows...How to Stay Young, and is set to do a free radio special as well as a fascinating online seminar.
“The body is like a great house with lots of possibilities,” Caroline says in The Body Knows...How to Stay Young. “Since it’s tough and has a firm foundation, all it needs is a fresh coat of paint, a little tinkering here and there, and to have the furniture rearranged—and voila! It will be as good as new.” Using her own life and healthy living strategies as a model for helping others, Caroline’s new book is filled with groundbreaking tools that really do work. “There is no reason for us to succumb to the slow cell-by-cell demise of our parents and grandparents,” she said. “There are so many tools available to us!”

What are some of Caroline’s favorite secrets? Here’s what she told us: Eat a healthy diet and stay away from junk food, get plenty of sleep, and surround yourself with love and fulfilling activities.

This is great advice. It encompasses the tips I have learned in my research.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Ageless Memory

Book Review of the Month:

Ageless Memory, Simple Secrets for Keeping Your Brain Young, by Harry Lorayne.

This is an excellent book, full of mnemonic devices and challenging word puzzles. The author demonstrates how you can train your memory to be more efficient. He says that you can't forget something if you never "get" it, so if you are more mindful and if you use his techniques to "get" the information, you won't for-get it very soon. This quotation from the book reminds me of something I learned from NLP:

"It is the mundane, ordinary, everyday things that we tend to forget. The unique, the impossible, the ridiculous, the absurd are unforgettable."

Although this book has a second subtitle, which is "Foolproof Methods for People Over 50," it contains methods that can be used by anyone, even those of us under 50. I'm only reading it because of my impending presentation, The Hypnotic Fountain of Youth, and because of the title's similarity to Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, by Deepak Chopra.

Remember to pick it up next time you are in the library or bookstore!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Signs of the Times

I am in the public library of St. Augustine Florida. We decided we had enough of the abusement parks in Orlando and have decided to move on.

The sign right next to my computer says:

For not DRINKING, EATING OR TALKING on your cell phone while using the computer lab.

(All in Caps.)

It seems our rules about drinking, eating and talking in public places have almost disappeared...