A Hot Flash is more than just intense heat. It can be very uncomfortable, and result in a cold sweat. Many menopausal women experience them several times a day and even at night! These hot flashes at night are usually referred to as Night Sweats. But there is hope for women who suffer from them. And the men, too.
1. jump in the pool, lake or ocean!
2. pour ice water over your head.
3. cool yourself with a few deep breaths and a yawn.
4. herbs, like black cohosh.
5. cool drink of ice water.
6. hot tea. I've heard it said that this can cool you on a hot day. If this works for you, then try it on the hot flash.
7. watermelon.
8. dress in layers, and peel a few off.
9. take off some clothes. Remember to bring an extra tee-shirt with you.
10. use a hand-held or battery-operated fan.
11. stand under a ceiling fan.
12. self-hypnosis combined with NLP anchoring
13. fire the anchor. oops, sorry, thats the way NLPers say it!
14. Avoid caffeine, expecially coffee and soda.
15. 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar in the morning and evening.
I have personally tried these remedies. I find the vinegar trick is wonderful, because it eliminates night sweats. During the day I use self-hypnosis combined with NLP anchoring. The wonderful thing about this is that once you install the NLP anchor in your mind and body (using hypnosis), the response gets stronger each time you use it. That means it gets QUICKER, too, as you remember to use it when you first sense the hot flash coming on. I usually get a weird tingling or swirling cold sensation on the back of my knees and calves when the hot flash is starting. That's when I fire the anchor and beat it before it gets intense.
Please try these remedies and let me know the results in the comments below. If you need more information, or want to see a demonstration of the NLP anchoring, come to HOT Flash Hypnosis at Heaven and Earth Spiritual Center, 1316 Alt. 19, Palm Harbor, FL on Sat. June 8 at 2:00 pm.
9 years ago