Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Don't change!

People can’t change. I hear this all the time. Mostly from people who want other people in their life to change. It is frustrating, but we can’t change others.

I also hear this from people who have difficulty breaking a habit. They sigh heavily and say, it’s no use, people can’t change.

The funny thing is, that I see people change all the time! And I can point this out to a friend or client who says, I’ll never quit --- (blank). When I tell them people quit every day! Surely you know someone who has quit?! How did they do it? There are many ways and maybe you just have to try something else. Keep going until you succeed. The only way you can fail is to give up. See “Perseverence” article.

That's why I love hypnosis. People change old habits and old beliefs and find better ways to handle stress, which is the cause of a lot of destructive habits. I enjoy teaching people self-hypnosis so they can reduce stress naturally, without drugs, and in just a few minutes each day!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Quash those dreams!

Thanks for your negativity!

I really appreciate the wise, helpful, pleasant people I have encountered this week who have tried to discourage me from my dreams.

Dreams are awful things! We need to quash them as soon as possible or they may cause some damage to the status quo.

There is an excellent book, available on the web, at www.dynamiclifenow.com, written by a friend of mind, Gabrielle Sogka Reign, called Never Live Your Dreams.

There are miserable people who acheive, aren't there? Well, of course, what about Scrooge? Misers accumulate wads of wealth in their lifetimes. They never enjoy one penny of it and they worry about accumulating more no matter how much they have. It is true for them that there is never enough.

Well, what if it is true that your attitude has nothing to do with your outcome? I hope to explore this question in a future article...

Reminds me of a quote, though: Your attitude determines your altitude.

I agree with that.

But is "quash" really a word? Or did it come about because it sounds like squash.... see philologsblog.blogspot.com for the answer to questions like that.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Can words be used as drugs?

I just saw this on pnosis.com and I had to copy it.

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.” -- Rudyard Kipling

I think words can be used like drugs. I get high listening to some authors, like Deepak Choprah, John O'Donohue, and Marianne Williamson. I guess that's why I keep listening to The Love Trilogy tapes! See previous article, entitled "Check it out," for the audio-book review.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Young and blonde

Youthanize with hypnosis!

I am developing a workshop about how to stay youthful using hypnosis. I hate to bring this up, but we are all getting older and weird things are happening to me and I don’t want to accept it that I’m just getting older and that’s the way things are going to be, and things are only going to get worse! You know how I hate catastrophizing! But let’s be negative for a minute here, so we can figure out how to stop all these negative expectations of aging.

Deepak Chopra really helped me with his book, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. He states that there are no universal symptoms of aging. Many things associated with age are related to bad diet and bad habits.

The simple aches and pains I sometimes experience are not from aging, but from inactivity. So I have joined a gym. This decade has been wonderful for me and the next will be even better, I’m sure. But I have to take action now. I am just very aware of the different expectations of men and women as they get older. I am also aware of cultural differences. Our American culture worships Youth and Beauty, and our ideas of Beauty are based on youth. Young people are thin usually, and many white children are blond. I know many white people with dark hair who had blond hair as children. That’s why “blondes have more fun!” That was a slogan for a brand of hair color many years ago, yet that idea has insinuated itself into our culture and our consciousness. And hair color has even advanced so that many people with dark hair can experience the fun of a Blond lifestyle. And recently, hair coloring has become popular with men as well as women.

(So why are there so many jokes about blondes being dumb? They pertain, I think, to females only…)

Hypnotic Aging?
I prefer, “Hypnotic Youthing.”
“Hypnotic Youthanization.”
Or could I say Youthanize without bringing up too many negative images?
Please take the poll on VerbalImpact.blogspot.com and tell me which title you prefer. Or send me a comment with your suggestions!


Monday, January 14, 2008

Check it out!

If you see this in a bookstore, take it to the checkout. If you see this at the library, check it out!
(Where did that expression come from? Surely not the library!)

I am listening to some tapes that are amazingly profound. The wisdom and clarity contained on these tapes is stunning; it’s just astonishing! The 3 tapes are called the Quest, The Love Trilogy: Love, Passion, and the Soul. There are 3 tapes: the first is about Love, the second about Soulmates, and the third about the Spiritual Practice of Ecstasy. On each tape are 6 different modern thinkers featured, who share their insights about each topic.

I borrowed this set of tapes from the local library and passed them along to my husband, who enjoyed them so much we bought them. The thing is, they contain so much wisdom that you can listen to them repeatedly and catch something new and profound each time. There is an Irish poet quoted on 2 of the tapes, John O’Donohue, whom I never heard of before, but my husband has recently purchased 3 of his books. He was that impressed by what he said on the tapes.

I can wholeheartedly recommend these tapes to anyone who has ever wondered “why?” They are about love, life, the universe, and everything. They answer many questions. And if you don’t find the answer the first time around, they are easy to listen to again.

These tapes were produced for public television, who produced some sort of series, which I assume was televised at some point. I would love to see the videos. I just haven’t encountered them yet.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


How do we achieve our goals?
We must persevere. Or persist. Or stubbornly stick to it. We must refuse to give up. If you give up you fail. If you experience a momentary lapse, you have not failed, if you get back on the wagon. What I’m trying to say is, if you decide I’m going to do this no matter what gets in my way and no matter how long it takes, then success is guaranteed. If you get discouraged and give up after encountering any barrier at all failure is guaranteed. That is called self-sabotage and that is what ruins most of our plans. So if you make up your mind that you will achieve this goal, success is guaranteed!
The other thing is, that there are different ways to say the same thing. I may say he is infuriating, or he is stubborn. But what if I say, he is persistent, instead. That’s not quite so infuriating, is it? Persistence is good. Stubbornness is not. Like I told my student last night you may look at someone as abnormal, weird, strange or crazy. But how about if you say instead, exceptional or outstanding or... eccentric. I had a Sociology professor who remarked that rich people are "eccentric," but poor people are "crazy." At the time I thought it was a wise and profound observation. I still do.
I mean what is normal? and who wants to be normal, anyway???!!!

Persistence and perseverance are synonyms, like persistent and perseverant. See http://philologsblog.blogspot.com/ for real words that are synonomous with persistent.