Monday, October 12, 2009

Cramming vs. Hypnosis

Someone asked me if hypnosis can enhance the learning experience.


I heard a speaker at the HypnoSummit say that learning only takes place in trance. Which makes sense if you define trance as focused attention. If you want to learn something, you have to pay attention. If you can focus only on that subject, on that teacher, at that moment, you can absorb the information and retrieve it later.

Regarding memory, you won't remember something if you didn't attend to it. That makes sense, too, if you don't notice something (make note of it) you won't remember it tomorrow. It won't make it to the long-term memory bank.

So the best way to learn is to practice self-hypnosis and use it during class. The best way to study is to use self-hypnosis and then study. The best thing to do before a test is to use self-hypnosis to relax for about 5-10 minutes before sitting down to the test. This has been shown to be more effective than cramming just before a test.

Stress and anxiety tend to prevent someone from remembering everything they have studied. So hypnosis is excellent for relieving test anxiety.

More about how hypnosis can accelerate learning on

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