Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hot Flashing Hypnosis

I am reading a book about menopause. I thought it would be helpful, since many of my clients are experiencing some of the symptoms associated with this process. (you know I'm too young!)

A No-nonsense Guide to Menopause by Barbara Seaman and Laura Eldridge is a pretty good exploration about HRT, herbs, vitamins, folk remedies, and superstitions about the various aspects of this remarkable stage of life.

The book mentions hypnosis on page 58:

"Other alternative methods being investigated for treating hot flashes include magnets, acupuncture, and hypnosis. A 2004 study from Texas reported that hypnosis significantly reduced flashing and sleep disturbance in participants. "

Then it explains how no studies have supported the effectiveness of acupuncture or magnets on this particular experience, so I can't explain why they are even included in this paragraph entitled, "Look Into My Eyes," in this chapter about Hot Flashes.

Hot flashes are particularly difficult to treat, as the biological cause is unknown and it seems in other cultures, women do not share in this curious form of energy surge.

The study mentioned is footnoted thusly:

Elkins, Marcus, Palamara, Stearns, "Can Hypnosis Reduce Hot Flashes in Breast Cancer Survivors? A Literature Review," American Journal of Hypnosis, 2004.

I have a video about Ways to
Quell Hot Flashes

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