Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Who can be hypnotized?

Who thinks they can be hypnotized?

The World Health Organization says 90% of adults can be hypnotized.

Here are some characteristics that seem to help:
1. intelligent and curious; willing to learn new things.
2. motivated to change
3. ability to concentrate or focus
4. creativity or a good imagination .
Think of a circus elephant. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Can you see it? Hear it? Smell it? Is it wearing a hat or a blanket? Who saw it? If you can see it, hear it or feel it, you have a good imagination.
5. cooperation is the most important. You cannot be hypnotized against your will and cannot be brainwashed into accepting suggestions that are against your religion or moral upbringing.
Now who thinks they can be hypnotized?

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