Sunday, December 18, 2011

Palm Harbor Prosperity Master Mind

The first meeting of the Palm Harbor Prosperity Master Mind Group for Entrepreneurs was yesterday. If you need to boost your motivation and brainstorm some ideas with a mind greater than just your own, please join us. We will meet once per month in the Palm Harbor office of Wisdom Hypnosis. We will follow the Master Mind idea originated by Napolean Hill in his book, Think and Grow Rich, then finish up with a group hypnosis session led by me, Gloria Constantas. This combination of Master Mind principles combined with hypnosis can't be beat!

The Master Mind principles helped early industrial giants to build their businesses, so why not the daring entrepreneurs of today?!

Call 727-946-1531 for more information if you want to make 2012 your year.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 18.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Can One Session Change Your World?

Hypnosis is really amazing, but BIG NEWS, it could take more than ONE session.

Yes it's true. It could take multiple sessions to make a PERMANENT change.

If you have had a bad habit for 20 or 30 years, it may take 3 or 4 sessions to transform that unwanted behavior behavior into something positive ande productive.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Affluence Affirmations

This is my personal prayer-poem:

I am full. I am enough. I am sufficient.
I am wise. I am organized. I am efficient.
I am healthy. I am wealthy. I am affluent.
I am worthy. I am valuable. I am magnificent.

And so it is.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Giving Thanks

Thank you and happy Thanksgiving to you!

I have just completed a book called, Bliss to You, by Trixie Koontz. Trixie is Dean Koontz' golden retriever. Or she was, anyway. She has published 3 books. So far.

In this book, she describes 8 steps to bliss. I hope to summarize and review the book thoroughly some time in the future, but for now I will just discuss the last step. Number eight is Gratitude. Somehow it seems fitting to speak about gratitiude at this time of year.

I am grateful for many things. Things and people. I have a soft bed, a nice house, a comfortable reliable car, a full pantry, and lots of clothes. I have some good friends, a wonderful husband, a brilliant child, and a small but close family. I am thankful for all of you.

Thank you for the opportunity to express my gratitude.

Again, Happy Giving-Thanks Day!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sacred Geometry

Today is 11-11-11. I am writing this at 11:11 AM.

A portal is opening up today, which makes it possible to make great leaps in spiritual awareness!

So the New Age gurus tell me.

The Great American Smokeout is on 11-17-11 this year. Another auspicious number. I think it will be a good day to quit smoking!

If you want to quit, please comment below.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Quotation of the Month

When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you,
till it seems you cannot hold on a minute longer,
never give up then for that is just the place and time the tide will turn.
— Harriet Beecher Stowe

Thanks, Harriet. This is a great reminder to persist.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to Become WHealthy

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy.
This is the perfect affirmation or autosuggestion according to The Master Key System by Charles Haanel. It is found in Part 9.

I have completed the 24 part course. It took about 20 weeks. This was an arduous process, but well worth the effort. Although I have taken many weekend courses in prosperity, it is very unlikely that any of them will permanently change behavior. Habits consist of what we do every day over time. The Master Key prescribes a method of daily meditation, along with gratitude, affirmations, study, inductive reasoning, and persistence. If you really follow his instructions, you cannot fail.
I definitely recommend this book. But not as an easy read. Don't take this to the beach with you. Just reading it does not create change in your life. You have to live it.

If you are ready to take this giant step, see my other blog,
Thank you.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hot Flushes

Do you say hot flushes or hot flashes?

In America, we say hot flashes, even if we do get flushed.

Please send me an email or make a comment and let me know about your hot flashes.

I'm working on a product to give menopausal women better climate control.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Energy Field of Words

This is a small excerpt from Embraced by the Light by Betty Eadie:

There are positive (light, goodness, kindness, hope, etc.) and negative (hatred, fear, selfishness, discouragement) energies.

When we internalize these energies, they become our servants, and like attracts like and we associate with others like us.

I saw how a person's words actually affect the energy field around him. The very words themselves, the vibrations in the air, they attract one type of energy or another. There is power in our thoughts. We create our surroundings by the thoughts we think. If we understood the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and our words we create our weaknesses and our strengths.

I agree with her about words, vibrations, etc.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Songs of Science

I love this concept!

Check out the first video on this page:

It's called The Quantum World and has all of your favorite scientists in it, including Morgan Freeman. Oh wait! He's not a scientist. He's an actor.

Check it out anyway.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I  try to meditate daily. When I do it regularly, I find it that it is refreshing and relaxing, quiets my mind, and allows for creative new answers and insights to flow easily to me. I've previously discussed the benefits in other posts.
This peaceful state influences others in our community and has personal benefits, too.

Why not start a new flow of positive energy in your community?

All you have to do is meditate.
Or use self-hypnosis. Both have the same benefits...or do they?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Is it hot in here?

I find myself more and more asking, is it hot in here?

Well, of course it's hot. I live in Florida!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Remarkable Warmth

Majesty is a majestic word. Seems somehow related to royalty, and to Magic.

Remarkable is an interesting word. Like interesting, it can be used to indicate something that is neutral, but sounds good. If you don't know what to make of something someone said, you can simply say, that's interesting, even if you really aren't impressed. Remarkable can also mean significant, important, wonderful or merely interesting.

It is remarkable that there are so many exquisite, majestic words in the English language.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Would you call?

Would you call someone you met on Twitter or FaceBook?

There are so many articles and links flying around about how to use social media to get referrals. What I want to know is ...

Would YOU call someone you encountered on Twitter or Facebook for a hypnosis session?
Please post comments below. Thank you!

Friday, August 12, 2011

PTSD Concerns

Someone called me today to ask me how hypnosis works for PTSD. He is a student of psychology and works as an intern in a menatl health clinic where the psychiatrist uses hypnosis for PTSD and other issues.

In my experience, mostly with military members, PTSD can become reactivated when the person is under stress. It can cause disrupted sleep because of nightmares. It can impair judgement. It causes feelings of anxiety.

Hypnosis is the best form of stress reduction there is. And a person can be taught some kind of self-hypnosis in order to use it whenever something stressful occurs. Let's face it, stress happens. So a good technique to reduce it is beneficial. Self hypnosis is portable and inexpensive, and there are several different ways to do it. A good hypnotist or therapist can teach a relaxation technique like self-hypnosis. Hypnosis is often very beneficial for sleep issues, and every client I have worked with has reported better sleep for a few days after a session. When the person can relax and can feel refreshed after sleep, feelings like anxiety and frustration are reduced, and this is good for you physically, emotionally and even mentally, as people are better able to make decisions, concentrate and even remember things more easily.

PTSD is complicated, but hypnosis provides relief for many of the problems. Negative thinking can become a habit, and hypnosis is great for eliminating bad habits.

Wisdom Hypnosis 727-781-8483.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How can hypnosis help you, your friends, or loved ones?

The most obvious answer is that hypnosis is very effective for quitting smoking and breaking other habits. It is superb for reducing stress and tension. This means that it helps your immune system.

It can predispose you to more positive thoughts and a optimistic viewpoint. This is also good for your health and longevity, as optimists live longer and healthier lives.

Hypnosis is a useful tool to get over irrational fears, like fear of heights or fear of driving over bridges. Or impractical fears like fear of flying. It also is effective for reducing "test anxiety," which is nothing more than a fear of taking a test and failing!

If you want to make a change, hypnosis can be effective. Of course if you, or Aunt Betty don't want to change, you can't be forced into changing. But if you do want to change, than hypnosis can make it easier for you. And it's a smoothsd transition when it's easy. Isn't it?

Emil Coue said that "If you believe a thing to be easy, it becomes so." He was a French pharmacist who learned hypnosis from some of Mesmer's followers.

Hypnosis is a very creative and resourceful state. That's why it can help you to come up with new solutions to a longstanding problem.

I don't see any downside to trying it. After all, practice makes perfect. Most smokers have to "Quit" multiple times before it becomes permanent, but they learn something about themselves every time. So even if it didn't work, it would help prepare you for a smoother transition in the future.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hypno Expo

Post this on your blog, send press releases, and tell your friends there will be a Raffle and Prizes for the volunteers for the hypnosis demos!

Of course, we hope to see YOU there!

Hypno Expo

Saturday, August 20
4:00 PM -- 6:00 PM
Books A Million
Palm Harbor, FL

Hypnosis discussion and demonstrations!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Best Interview

The best interview is the kind where they basically ask you 2 questions:

What do you want to know about the position? and
When can you start?

This happens rarely. Only if you know someone and have been recommended or recruited for the job. They want you to work there. They are just hoping that you will consider working for them.

This is the reverse of what usually happens for a job seeker. Many job seekers are just looking for "anything," for anyone who will hire them at a decent rate. The interviewer has the advantage in that case.

I guess networking can give the job seeker the advantage.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Got this message today

Gloria, the beginner scorns criticism.
The wise soul carefully weighs it.
And the Master says, "But, of course!"

The Universe

Very Interesting Message. You can get messages like this if you sign up for Notes from the Universe at

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why smoke?

As a hypnotist I know many reasons NOT to smoke. I think we all know the devastating effects on a smoker's health, and even on the non-smoking spouse of a smoker. Among them are: lung cancer, heart disease, strokes, throat cancer, breast cancer, and so many other potentially fatal conditions.

So today I am wondering not about why Quit smoking, but why smoke?

Most people start in their teens. The statistics say 80%. Just try to imagine a 50 year old person sitting at their desk at work, thinking. Why don't I start smoking? How about a 30 year old who has just completed running in the park, Hmmmm, maybe I should have a cigarette. Or a 40 year-old at a convenience store having the impulse to buy a carton of cigarettes on sale. I just have trouble imagining how one would get the inspiration to light up after being a teen.

Teens start for social reasons. They want to be like their friends, they want to be liked, they think it makes them grown up as it is illegal for minors but not for adults. How bad could it be? They know many smokers, may even live with one. Sometimes they think they can do it temporarily, so they can hang out with their friends now and when they graduate college, it will be easy to stop. No teenager I ever spoke to admitted they were addicted.

But what is an addiction? There are choices all along the way. I don't know anyone who was forced to take up smoking. After 30 years, it doesn't seem like a choice, but during the first few years, you have to force yourself to continue, you have to persist or it won't become a habit.

But it's easy to quit smoking. Mark Twain said,
Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I have done it thousands of times!
He was trying to be humorous, BUT the fact is, people quit every day. Some use hypnosis. Some use other methods. The statistics say that 15 million people attempt to quit smoking every day, yet less than 3 percent of these people succeed. That means less than 5 million. So let me assert that 4 million people quit permanently every day!

You can quit too. Call Wisdom Hypnosis at 727-781-8483.

Who am I?

Who am I to teach  or even co-teach a Prosperity class?

What do I know about prosperity?

 I know I am not the most prosperous person on the planet. That's why this class was set up as a peer coaching program. I am on my way to prosperity. So is my co-teacher. And the 6 participants in the class. Actually, I would say that one is already there. I told her she was beyond us, and she said she would love to participate and share what she knows with the group. Also, she said, it can't hurt to learn something new!

I know I feel prosperous. I have been actively learning about prosperity for almost 4 years now. And things have turned around for me. I have been learning recently about investing and financial matters. Everything is not in order yet, but will be soon. I used to avoid finances altogether. Now I can make decisions about investing and spending.

I am in the process of writing a book about the process. Of course, I don't know everything, yet, but in a few months I expect to know a lot more. And I already know that the process will be different for each person. But I look forward to sharing my process with all of you.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Military Concerns

For the past 2 or 3 years, I have been working with military families and active service members.

Some join the military for a job.
Most join for a career.
Military members face all the problems that non-military face, and then some. Being in the military means you move every 2 or 3 years. You can be deployed at any time, in the army this means that you will relocate to a war zone for 15 or 18 months. You can be deployed numerous times.

The stress for military members and their families is very high. This is worsened by the fact that many service members and military spouses are still teenagers, or in their early 20s.

How do you reduce stress while in the military?
Right now the Department of Defense is offering Mindfulness training. I think this will be very helpful. I also find hypnosis can be very effective.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Review of The Master Key System

"This is the process by which failure is changed to success. Thoughts of courage, power, inspiration, harmony, are substituted for thoughts of failure, despair, lack, limitation and discord, and as these thoughts take root, the physical tissue is changed and the individual sees life in a new light, old things have actually passed away, ... he is reconstructed and is filled with joy, confidence, hope, energy."

--Charles Haanel

This is what he said about his book, The Master Key System, available on Amazon. This book is almost 100 years old, yet it is the best book I have read about manifesting wealth and success. It outlines an exercise, which allows the reader to use his/her thoughts to create favorable conditions! This exercise is revealed slowly and gradually, so that anyone can do it, if they dedicate just 15-30 minutes each day. I definitely recommend it.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Job Questions

How did you find your last job?

Would you help someone get a job in the company where you work?

What is best way to find a job today?

What do YOU think?

Please post a comment below this article. Thank you.

What's the Password?

I have so many passwords now, it's getting confusing. Used to be that passwords were like pins and only have 4 digits or characters. Remember PINs? Personal Identification Numbers? Banks used them a long time ago for ATMs. The unemployment office still uses them. Your password or PIN is limited to 4 characters. Most companies have made them longer in order to make it harder to guess a password. Now most have to be at least 6 characters long. They must contain at least one letter and at least one digit. Some require at least one capital letter. Some even require one capital letter, one digit AND at least one special character. A lot of them will test your password when you are changing it. The strongest one will have one capital letter, one digit, one special character like % or *, but not @ or any slashes, and 5 other alphanumeric characters. I try to have one Uber-password and then insert a digit and a special character in it. So then what happens? Constant Contact will not allow any special characters. I tried a about 10 passwords and then had to call the company because I couldn't sign in. After I called, I remembered, oh, they don't require a special character, they don't even allow it!

Life is getting so com#pl!ic@ted (complicated).

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sleep and the Brain

I just read an article on about how many hours of sleep is optimum for an adult. This article says 6 to 8 hours is good and more than 9 is not healthy.

Sleep helps your brain function and can make you as sharp as someone 4 to 7 years younger! In a recent study, they gave cognitive-function tests to middle-aged Americans, and found that consistently getting 6 to 8 hours per night, ensured better scores.

Most Americans fall short of the recommended 6 to 8 hours. But in a recent study of middle-aged folks, those who consistently slept 6 to 8 hours a night scored the best on cognitive-function tests.

There have been many studies concerning sleep. Most recommend 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. Then when they compared 7-hour sleepers to 8-hour sleepers in a long term study, they found that 8 was significantly better, because the 8-hour sleeps had less diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. So if possible schedule 8 hours for sleep. And if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, contact a hypnotist near you. Hypnosis is very effective for sleep concerns. Most people report that they sleep much better for a few nights after just one session. And this happens even if the issue they went to the hypnotist for was not sleep. Everyone gets that benefit. you can learn self-hypnosis and keep this benefit working for you. It's a no-brainer (LOL). Better sleep means better cognitive function AND better health!

If you are in Tarpon springs, Palm Harbor, Dunedin or Clearwater, Fl, you may call me at 727-946-1531. The Summer Special is on until the end of the month!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Key to Success

There are probably many keys to success, but I'm thinking about what is most necessary to accomplish your desired outcome. The answer is Persistence. I had a teacher tell me that the diffference between those who succeed and those who fail, is that the successful ones persist. They continue to push forward even when things look bleak. They continue when they come to an obstacle. They go over, around, under or through the obstacle and persist. I'm not saying that they never rest or that they never make adjustments to their plan, but basically they persist.

For example, say you want to quit smoking. Smokers tell me it is almost impossible to resist a craving for nicotine. And even when you have not smoked a cigarette in days or even weeks you may experience a craving. This is an obstacle to your goal of being a healthy fresh air breather. But it's only a small bump in the road, if you persist in thinking of yourself as a non-smoker, healthy, active, and vibrant.

What if you want to start a business? Most businesses fail in the first 5 years. This is because success doesn't come instantly. People do not persist. They give up!

What if you are a student? If you give up when you receive a low score on a test, you will fail the class. If you persist and decide to study harder or more frequently, you will pass.

What if you want to learn self-hypnosis. You may be eexcited at first and practice 3 times per day. But a few days later or maybe a week into your new program, you find yourself too busy to sit down for even 5 minutes. The next morning you postpone it until later. Then after a few days you realize you have forgotten to practice, and rationalize your behavior, saying it wasn't helping anyway. I don't have time for it. That's giving up. You didn't give it a chance. In order to develop a new habit you need 30 days. We are always looking for short cuts, but neuroscience tells us that it takes 30 days to establish new neural pathways. So persist for 30 days and see what happens.

Persistence pays.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sizzling Summer Specials

SUMMER SPECIALS At Enlightened Hypnosis

Individual Hypnosis Session.

Experience complete relaxation with 1 session of hypnosis, which will reduce stress and increase confidence. Imagine yourself calm and confident!

$100 (regular fee is $150)

Call 727-946-1531 and
Mention the Summer Special!!
Good until June 30, 2011.

Quit Smoking this Summer!

Quit smoking, and thereby improve your health, your relationships, and your life in just 2 sessions. Imagine how good you will feel!

$199 (regular fee is $399)

Call 727-946-1531 and
Mention the Summer Special!!
Good until June 30, 2011.

See "Products and Services" on for full details.
Offer good on in-person sessions only. Enlightened Hypnosis is located in Palm Harbor, FL.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Big Discount

The long and short of it:

I got 4 emails this morning offering me big discounts on Viaga and Vigara!

Goody! Goody!

Hypnosis offers drug free solutions.


I think I need more balance in my life.

What exactly does that mean?

Most times I think people mean they need more leisure time or more family time. I have never heard anyone say this who wanted more time at the office.

But balance is a good positive word.

I want balance in my life between work, family and recreation. I want a high balance in my checking and savings account. I want low balances on my credit card bills.

Zero balances are good, on credit card bills, not good for your checking account.

Nobody likes to be off-balance.

And what is meant by "perfect" balance...

Hypnosis can be used to improve the balance in your life. Consult with your local hypnotist to identify the areas that are out of balance and set goals to improve your life.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Digestion and Hypnosis

In a recent article in John Hopkins Health Alert, it says:

The symptoms of digestive disorders can be alleviated, and often completely eliminated, with the right combination of medication, dietary changes, exercise, weight loss, stress reduction, and, as a last resort, surgery.

It seems that hypnosis can help with several of these, especially exercise, weight loss, dietary changes, and stress reduction. Hypnosis is the best method I know of to reduce stress. Self-hypnosis done on a daily basis has many physical benefits, all due to the reduction of cortisol, which is a byproduct of prolonged stress. Hypnosis can help someone establish a regular exercise routine, and stay motivated. It also helps with weight loss, because it can facilitate dietary changes necessary to maintain a healthy diet. Just imagine how beneficial it would be to eliminate cravings for unhealhy foods, establish cravings for healthy alternatives, and diminish the appetite in general!

If you need a hypnotist, you can use to find one located near your zip code.

According to this research, these are the conditions that can be alleviated this way:
Crohn's disease
diverticulosis and diverticulitis
irritable bowel syndrome
ulcerative colitis

Monday, May 23, 2011


I was so happy to read this article today!

I always thought that honey was better for you than refined sugar, but I was told that honey is sugar and sugar is bad for your health!

So now I feel better. And nexzt time I have a craving, I'm going to try a spoonful of honey. I think as long as I use a reasonable sized spoon I'll be okay.

The type of sweetener you use in your oatmeal and coffee could have quite an impact on your ability to trim down.

According to new research, you should grab the honey pot, not the sugar bowl. In a study, the effects that honey had on appetite hormones and blood sugar control were more favorable than those of table sugar. Which means choosing honey could help prevent weight gain.

And honey has antioxidants, too!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Self Empowerment Hypnosis

The Self Empowerment Hypnosis Class will take place on Tuesday, May 17, at 6:30 PM at
Unity Church of Palm Harbor
1960 Tampa Road
Palm Harbor FL.

Self empowerment means different things to different people. But most people have an idea of what they need to succeed. This class will help people find the resources within to help them define, develop and pursue their best self.

Hypnosis is a great way to develop your own inner resources and instill motivation. I will teach you several self-hypnosis techniques that are easy to use. Please call 727-946-1531 for more information.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Studying with Hypnosis

Now is the time for all good students to STUDY!

Final exams are just around the corner, if not here already.

Many students stay up all night cramming. But there are other ways to pass exams.

Good study habits can be used all during the year, as classes seem to accumulate more and more information as time goes on. It's easier to absorb information in smaller pieces. Repetition always assists learning and if you do not access the information for a long time, it may be lost, so reviewing the information frequently helps it stay with you. That means it has gone into long-term memory, the storage banks, not just short term memory, like cramming.

Also, if you stay up all night before a test, there is the added worry that you might fall asleep duringthe exam.

Hypnosis helps you relax. It is the best thing to do just before the exam.

Of course, we all know that you need a good night's sleep and a decent breakfast before the test.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


It was on TV last night, on the news. We actually saw Heather Van Nest during labor. She thought she would give hypnosis a try after seeing several women on a video going through labor without pain!

Heather did not use any pain medication during labor. She said there was a little discomfort towards the very end of labor, but for her, it was "tolerable."

I am always amazed at how many wonderful things can be accomplished with hypnosis!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tarpon Springs Easter Dynamite

I guess I am the first to report the events of last night, April 23, 2011, in Tarpon Springs Florida.

Easter is the biggest holiday for the Greek Orthodox Church. In order to begin celebrating at midnight on Easter morning, the Greek Orthodox gather at 11:00 pm on Saturday night. They start early in Tarpon Springs, as St. Nicholas Church must only hold about 500 people and they attract a crowd much larger than that. So if you want to get a seat in the glorious church, you must arrive before 10:00pm.

The faithful who arrived early and were admitted to the church, were evacuated at about 9:15 pm because the police had to search the building and the area. The rumors say that a bomb or some dynamite had been discovered. Everyone inside had to evacuate. No members were allowed to enter the church. The street was blocked off to all but police and police vehicles.

Police dogs searched the area.

Noone was allowed into the church until 11:20.

The service was abbreviated and much more quiet than usual. Nevertheless, shortly after midnight, candles were lit and the faithful exchanged greetings, as well as hugs and kisses.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Hotmail Hijacked Again

I opened my email this morning. Wow! 100 messages! I usually don't have that many unread messages... Oh, no! A bunch of undeliverables by Postmaster. About 25 of them. So I look at a few of them and discover that "g_constantas" sent everyone on my list a link to some unknown website. If you got one of these, I am very sorry. I did not send it. My husband got one and he was angry that I sent him a link to a site where he can buy Viagra. He didn't believe me when I said it wasn't me! It says right here, from Gloria Constantas!

But this has happened to me before and I have gotten other similar messages from people I know on hotmail. They only come from hotmail. So I tried to contact hotmail support. I can't send a question. I don't know if it is only my computer with that problem. Hotmail Q&A says that I must've given my password to some unauthorized site. I'm sure I didn't. But I really wish this didn't happen. I was just about to send out my newsletter. Right now I think there are several people who don't want to hear from me. Anyway, the spammer exceeded my limit, so I can't send any messages right now. I am just hoping that there are no more messages from the spammer hanging out in virtual space, that will be activated when the limit is resent tomorrow at 10:13am.

It's weird, they also deleted my "Sent" folder. I changed my password and security question a few times. They deleted all the sent messages from 2010 and 2011. I wonder why?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Financial IQ

I have just completed 2 books by Robert Kiyosaki. The ones I have read are Increase Your Financial IQ and Guide to Becoming Rich. I have also read Rich Dad, Poor Dad, which is probably his first and most famous book.

I am very impressed with his chapter on Developing your Financial Genius in Increase your Financial IQ. In it, there is a section about how words inluence our thinking and our behavior. This man grew up in Hawaii. Maybe the differences are more pronounced there, but he states that the rich and the poor speak different dialects. He says the dialect of the poor and middle-class limit the money-making potential of the speakers! He backs this up with science, citing that the mirror neurons in the brain are responsible for this phenomenon. The mirror neurons are the learning parts of the brain and they tend to mirror or reproduce what is in their environment. So if you want to be rich, you have to surround yourself with nice things, and immerse yourself in the language of the wealthy people -- The words, thoughts, and actions of the Rich!

How's that for verbal impact?! I find the scientific evidence for my theory in a book about personal finance. That isn't what I was looking for.

This book also contains a lot about personal and business budgets, net-worth, and the economy. It is very helpful for anyone who deals with money, anyone who buys things, or sells things, anyone who wants money, in short, every one! I recommend it highly.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Time Savers

Computers are such time savers for people today. What would we do without the Internet?

What did we do before? I just looked up a word on the internet found several definitions, most of them agreed and I can click here and hear the standard pronunciation! If I didn't have Internet, I would have had to drag out the unabridged Dictionary, which weighs about 15 pounds, look it up and then heave it back up on the shelf. Instead I will use the Internet and then go to the fitness club and do some bicep and tricep weight training. I think I just heard a bell. Not exactly a bell, but an electronic signal which is supposed to sound like a bell. Just a minute, let me check my email....

3 hours later

Yes, the internet is quite a time saver. How else would I keep up with all my friends and business acquaintances, and a myriad of FaceBook Friends, to boot!
It only took 30 minutes, uh, 45, I mean, an hour, oh, THREE HOURS to check it. Next time I'm going to set a timer. I think I can do that with an app...let me check on that.

Anyway, there are only 24 hours in a day. If I save something like 4 or 5 hours by getting all my news and socializing done online, it's not like I get more time tomorrow, or on the weekend. So what does it mean to SAVE time? I'll have to research that and get back to you. Stay tuned.

And if you want to reduce stress and improve your time management skills, I intend to make a free download available on my website,

Friday, April 8, 2011

Millionaire Mind

Last night I went to a Millionaire Mind Event and I am pumped!

I took the pledge. No complaints will pass my lips for 7 (SEVEN) days!

Do you think I can do it???!

Monday, April 4, 2011

New Paragraph

Is this a problem with my computer? or is everyone having the same problem?
All of a sudden my blog articles do not post with any spacing between paragraphs. the only way I can get some spaces between paragraphs is to use the quotation indicator on the toolbar. Like I did with the first 2 sentences of this blog. Otherwise it gets all bunched up. All spaces and enters (Return Key = enter) are reduced to one space. I am not wordy, but when there is only one paragraph, I think this makes it harder to read, and may make someone who does not want to concentrate just glance at the lenghth of the paragraph, find it daunting, and just move on to another blog.
Is anyone else having this problem?
Also I can't copy something from a word document and paste it into my blog. What is that about?! I often write articles in Word and then decide to put it in blogger... I did that today and it took me 15 minutes to retype the article I just posted on Verbal Impact. I want to post a series of articles about learning, memory and test anxiety, under the heading of Studying with Hypnosis. I think I am going to need a way to separate the paragraphs. So I'll be creative with the quotation device. See what I mean? This is supposed to be a different paragraph...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Walking in the Park

This morning as I walking in the park, some thoughts came to me. I was wondering why sometimes Life seems like a struggle. Then it came to me.
Life is like a dance.
Sometimes you may have difficulty learning new steps, and sometimes you may feel tired, but the energy keeps you going. Sometimes it seems difficult to keep dancing, but
the Dance is always Beautiful.
The park was refreshing this morning. It seems Mother Nature did her Spring Cleaning yesterday, with an extended high speed wind-rain-thunder-and-lightning storm. There were branches, spanish moss, leaves and dry palm fronds on the path. It was beautiful. I love the park in the morning, anyway.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

You Light up my Life!

We were doing research on crystals in the bookstore and library yesterday. We found an interesting stone, which has a combination of colors: it appears white with black spots in the photo. This stone has unique qualities. It lights up the dark and conversely, darks up the light. It's a rare stone, called Merlinite. I would venture a guess that the name has something to do with the famous wizard, Merlin.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do you love your job?

I have this job that I love, but I'm also like, when can I go home. In a way this is good, because otherwise I'd never go home. I would just kill myself doing this show.

--Tina Fey

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jobs are Fun

Do you work?

Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun.
--Colleen C. Barrett

If you have a job without aggravation, you don't have a job.
--Malcolm Forbes

Interesting opposing viewpoints, or should I say, attitudes?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Don't Worry

This is my favorite Bible passage. It is from Matthew 6:25-30.

Do not worry about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink;
Nor about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, the body more than clothing?

Look at the birds of the air, they do not reap or sow or gather into barns, and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth more than they?

By worrying, which of you can add one single hour to your lifespan?

Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor spin, yet
I tell you that not even Solomon, in all his glory, was arrayed like one of these.
But if God so clothes the grass of the field,
which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace,
will He not much more will clothe you? You men of little faith!

Do not worry, then saying 'what shall we eat?' or 'what shall we drink?' or "what shall we wear for clothing?'
For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things. Your Father knows you need all these things.
But seek first his kingdom and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself.
Each day has enough trouble of it's own.

Or if I may make a suggestion, just leave that last sentence out altogether, or maybe we could say,
Each day has enough treasure of it's own.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Driving around Tarpon Springs

In driving through Tarpon Springs, FL today, I noticed a few things.

There are some beautiful flaming orange flowers blooming on vines that are climbing some chain-link fences in the area. They are so vibrant!

I do like the new "speed humps" much better than speed bumps. Over by the yacht club, they put some speed humps with valleys through the middle, for motorcycles, I think. This makes it possible to put the left tires in the valley and the right tires in the gutter, and not feel the bump or hump at all.

I also want to ask about why, in a town of tiny 2 lane streets, the powers that be would decide to make the one road that had the width of 4-5 lanes and put obstacles on the sides and in the middle, and especially at the corner of Pinellas Road and Lemon Street, in order to make it into a road with only 2 lanes? Why would any idiot who lives in a town with streets that really aren't wide enough for the traffic, want to make any street less wide? I cannot fathom it.

From what I can discern, this is part of a Beautification Project. I find this ironic.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Remember Me?

Another study shows that stress interferes with short-term memory.

I just read a great article with some memory tips by Jane Thurnell-Read:

She also has some stress reduction tips. I recommend daily self-hypnosis and/or meditation for stress reduction.

Memory can be enhanced with hypnosis. Learning, the acquisition of new knowledge and esperience can be accellerated with hypnosis.

You Take my Breath Away!

"You take my breath away" or "You can take my breath away," as the song says.

Is that a good thing?

If something really took your breath away, and you couldn't breathe, I think it would be bad. What a strange expression.

It's like getting the wind knocked out of you -- not a good feeling, at all!

Still, great beauty can take your breath away. Or it can leave you breathless. And a breath-taking view is awe-inspiring.

Thank you for allowing me to clear the air and enjoy a breath of fresh air.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Even More Benefits

Many people already know the benefits of meditation: better
sleep, relief from stress, and a general sense of well being -
among other things. But many people don't know how to fit
meditation into their daily routine or simply aren't sure of how
to get the most from their practice.

Now, thanks to Mark Beck, there is an inexpensive, easy way to learn how. His book, Personal Empowerment through Meditation is a short handbook on a very practical method. It's available at smashwords, and other places where you can find e-books.

Beck writes about stillness. He says that stillness is water's true nature and that the Mind is like a glass of water with some sediment in it. Your mind is like this glass of water: it can be turbulent and muddy, or still and (mostly) clear.

He says that meditation is a "powerful tool that can help us lead happier and more peaceful lives."

So, if you've ever had trouble meditating, or are just beginning, you want to read this book! There are many physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits of meditation.

The benefits include inner peace as well as world peace, according to some...See the previous post for the scoop on world peace!

Also, see the book review on Verbal Impact.


Friday, January 21, 2011

More Meditation Benefits

Have you heard about Mahareshi Mahesh Yogi? He taught the Beatles how to do transcendental meditation, as well as thousands of others.

It seems TM has even more benefits than other types of meditation. There have been many studies now, that show that if a person meditates regularly, he will enjoy all the benefits of the relaxation response, including better sleep, higher energy, more patience, higher frustration tolerance, better health, and better brain function. So there are many individual benefits and it seems this can be expanded to the community level, promoting peace and lowering violence of all kinds.

Someone has used the data to calculate that when we have 8,000 people meditating daily, that there will be world peace. I think this is really interesting and will write more about it this year.

If you are interested, see