Monday, December 31, 2007

Resolutions for 2008

Peace on Earth and Happy New Year to all!

For self-hypnosis tips on how to keep your New Year's Resolutions, please come to the Tarpon Springs Library on January 4 at 4 pm.

Think of it this way, if you accomplish those resolutions once and for all, you can resolve never to make New Year's Resolutions again!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Hypnosis Hypothesis

I just posted a poem called the night before an NLP Christmas on my other blog,

I think it is quite funny, but I wonder if most people will know what NLP is?

NLP stands for neurolinguistic programming. It's a very intimidating word! It means the science and study of how the brain processes language. Most hypnotists and hypnotherapists use it all the time, without even realizing it. Many will further their education and expertise by learning more about it. NLP and hypnotism are very powerful tools for behavior change! NLP combined with hypnosis is absolutely phenomal! I mean, hypnotists use words to make suggestions that the subconscious mind can accept. And NLP kinda helps the conscious mind believe that the changes are reasonable and can be implemented quickly. The conscious mind contains a critical factor which is the voice that often discourages us from trying something new, like "this is never going to work! You can't change! It's too good to be true!

That critical voice provides an unsurmountable barrier for some. That's how hypnosis works. It bypasses the critical factor, then you can use the imagination and other internal resources to move forward.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Do your thoughts build you up or beat you up?

You have a choice, you know. You can use your thoughts for worrying, analyzing, chastising, criticizing, or engaging in Woulda-Shoulda-Coulda. Or you may choose to give yourself a break and think about your successful accomplishments whenever you have a chance. You may admit you have made mistakes in the past and probably will in the future, but they never turn out to be as dire as you imagine. You may ruminate about good times, good friends and good memories. You may even choose to reward yourself just for being you. It seems that the latter thoughts produce more good results. And even if they don't, you will have experienced more joy, choosing to concentrate on rewards, blessings and sweet memories.

There are many different ways to express the same thing. This is sometimes called tact or diplomacy. But even in ordinary situations, you can choose your words. For example, you can try to keep hula-hoop spinning around your hips, or you can rotate your solar plexus continuously, or you can practice belly-dancing. All of these describe the same motion. Which sounds most appealing to you?

Parents are aware of how their words affect their children, managers are aware of how their words affect their staff, and hypnotists are aware of how their words affect their clients. So just think for a moment how your own words influence you. So when you think, choose wards that empower you, rather than bring you down. This used to be called positive thinking or learned optimism. Now it seems like that elusive commodity called common sense.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Glistening and Gleaming Holidays

I know the holidays are coming. (Happy Chanukah if you are celebrating already!) The temperature is cool and kids are wearing socks with their flip-flops. They might even wear a sweat shirt with their shorts, or even long pants!

I heard Bing Crosby singing on the radio this morning. A local channel is playing ALL Christmas songs, ALL the time. You see, they have to. Even with the pink flamingoes wearing santa hats, it is just so easy to forget that Christmas will be here in less than 3 weeks!

Sleigh Bells ring, are you listening, in the lane snow is glistening...

You never hear that word, “glistening” except for Christmastime. It’s a sweet word. It carries an image with it. I can see a drop of dew glistening on a leaf. There is no snow here to glisten in the lane.

I also like gleam, glitter and glimmer. I would guess they are Dutch or Germanic in origin. They all mean something like sparkle or shine. Sparkle, now there is a cute word!

Happy Holidays! Hope your holidays glisten and your outfit sparkles and there’s a glimmer in your spouse's eyes when they see you on New Year’s Eve.!

I don't know if that sounds right, but my wish for you is that your most glimmering dreams come true in 2008!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Weighty Issues

Weighty issues

I read an article Sunday that asserted that the relationship between stress and weight gain is stronger than we thought. It’s not only that people eat more during times of stress. And is there someone out there who does not experience stress during the “holiday season?” A recent study has revealed that mice under stress gain extra weight even if their calorie intake is the same as the mice without stress. So even if you do not eat more, you may gain weight!! That is true! Think about the skinnies you know who eat so much more than the chubbies you know. IT’S NOT THE CALORIES!!!

Another study showed that if premature babies are given the same amount of formula at every feeding, the ones who are physically touched more often gain more weight in the same amount of time. This is a desirable thing for premature babies. It means that Touch, not Food was the significant factor in development.

Stress causes fat cells to grow and multiply regardless of calorie intake. And this fat usually is stored around the waist, which is the most dangerous place for it to be, since it increases the risk of heart disease and other medical conditions.

Exercise lowers the hormones associated with stress. So does relaxation. So does hypnosis. Self-hypnosis done on a regular basis, at least once per day, has the following benefits:

Physiological changes such as decreased metabolism, heart rate, and breathing rate, in addition to distinctively slower brain waves.
Emotional changes such as feelings of calm and a decrease in anxiety.
Behavioral changes such as better sleep, more energy and improved concentration are also reported.

I have read about some studies which show that relaxation, such as hypnosis or meditation, can be used to lower blood pressure when done twice daily (for only 15 minutes)!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Another quotation

"There is a difference between happiness and a mere absence of depression."

This is a quotation from Howard C. Cutler in The Art of Happiness at Work.

Dr. Cutler wrote 2 books in coordination with the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama is listed as one of the authors, since Dr. Cutler interviews him and asks him questions about the Buddhist and Tibetan perspectives, which are so different from the Western view.

In this book, the Dalai Lama was asked what he does for a living. He answered, Nothing, I do nothing. Isn't that a perfect job? His life is so entwined with his work (teaching, meditating, counseling, and diplomacy), that there is no difference between working and not working. There is no effort. He is working all the time, yet he perceives it as just being. It's so simple and elegant.What a great way to live.

It seems that Work is more than just the absence of recreation. Excuse me, I have to get back to work.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Healthy quotations

"Health is not just the absence of sickness." Hannah Green said this.

"Health is not just dying in the slowest way possible, as is commonly believed." Carolyn Myss

So what is health? And does your definition include mental health, as well? How about spiritual health?

Mind, body, spirit, that's what we're made of isn't it?

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Typographical Error or Inspiration?

Happy Thinksgiving.

Maybe there should be a holiday for thinking. Or is that what Sunday is for? Keep holy the Sabbath day. Spend time in prayer or quiet meditation.

Thinking is not so popular these days. As a matter of fact, some teenagers in my class have told me it gives them a headache. I told them the only way to get past that is to think some more and make sure that they think at least 20 minutes per day. It's like exercise. The brain is like a muscle. If you use it, it gets stronger. If not it atrophies.

I actually believe that it may cause them discomfort. If you do nothing but talk on a cell phone, IM your friends, eat junk food, and sleep, I believe it could feel like pain if you read or concentrate for 20 minutes or so.

I can't imagine a world without books. I read voraciously. I often listen to audiobooks, but that's because I'm in the car and can't read a book and drive at the same time.

These are just some of my thoughts about reading and thinking.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thank you

I could not let this opportunity pass to wish all my loyal readers and even the occasional ones, a
Very Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy all the deliciousness you can without feeling guilty. Save that for later when you see your hypnotherapist!

And thank you for reading!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Remember negativity can be contagious. So can Positivity! So let’s all try to be positive just for one day!

A student told me yesterday that she treats people the way they treat her. So if they are rude, she will be rude right back and that's what she was taught. Isn't that the right and justified way to deal with people? I actually said something wise that made her think for a moment. I said, if someone isn't very nice to me, I still respond to them in a nice way. They might just be having a bad day and if I'm nice, they may feel a little better and stop being rude. Everyone can have a bad day, we don't know what is going on in their life. Someone could be dying, you never know. Should we just continue the rudeness, which extends to more and more people, or should we stop it if we can by just a smile or kind word?

Attitudes are contagious.

It takes 2 to argue. Arguments are not started by the first angry word. There is no argument if there is no angry response.

Am I right?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


“Fifth Third Bank.”

Not good English and not good Math either!

You can’t be fifth and third at the same time!

I really want another bank to take over Fifth Third Banks and change the name. Let’s reduce that fraction, the one called FIVE Thirds and reduce it to the One and Two Thirds Bank or the Almost Second Bank. Or the First and change. We can’t change it to a decimal as two thirds is equivalent to 0.6666666 repeating ad infinitum. I guess we could round it off like a dollar amount and make it one point six-seven (1.67). But Fifth third is so cacophonous it’s annoying to even try to say it.

Just my humble opinion as I try to remain positive in a sea of negativity.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


It has come to my attention that my contemporaries do not know how to leave a message on my blog. More and more friends and colleagues are discovering my wit and wisdom. What a scary thought! And they tell me they read my blog. Some of them say they read it every day. How scary is that! What pressure! I guess that is why I haven’t actually been posting everyday. Well, that is my own insecurity. I was frightened when I first started blogging that I would be overwhelmed with comments from millions of people. Then after blogging for a few months I realized that maybe 40 people had actually seen it. The profile page has a counter, so I can see how many people have viewed my profile. But it’s catching on…

Back to comments. If you would like to post a comment, at the bottom of every article, there is a clickable area which tells you how many comments have been publicly posted. So under most of mine, it says, “Posted by philolog at 5:26 am 0 comments [envelope icon].” If you put your cursor on “0 comments,” an underline will appear and you can click on it. The new page gives you space to post your comment. It also asks you to sign on if you have a Google or Blogger account. You can post anonymously if you wish, or if you don’t have an account. Please feel free to post any positive comments you may have!

Post Script: The time under the article is Pacific Standard Time, so it's 2 or 3 hours earlier than the time I truly posted the article.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

This article sucks

When I was a kid, "suck" was considered a bad word. We could only say it if we were talking about vacuum cleaners. Now it's all over TV and high school students use it freely. A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to teach Algebra to H.S. freshman. One day after hearing the word about 500 times and most recently about 50 times from a student in my class complaining about how the school, the teachers, his parents, and his life sucked. I threatened to write him up for disciplinary action if he said it again. He thought I was crazy. "Suck isn't a curse!" He protested. But the way I remember it, it was a minor curse word like Crap or Damn. And it wasn't used lightly. As kids we used to say it stinks when we were displeased. The other word was only suitable when something was outrageously unfair, not just a minor inconvenience. Last week a student in my Greek class (where I am a student), said that English should be spoken correctly. Thay way it would be easier to learn another language. It seems he's not familiar with the proper usage of future and past verb tenses, in English. They aren't common in our spoken language. But he is in his 20s and never learned the finer points of our own language in school. What's happening to the English language? I'm all for progress, but after all is said and done, it will have sucked (future perfect tense).

A message for you

Hidden deep within you is an unstoppable power.

Unstoppable in relationships. Unstoppable in business. Unstoppable in all areas of life.

This power is so extraordinary that even just a brief glimpse of its infinite potential reveals the possibility of changing your life for the better. This power inspires you to create... to learn... to realize the purpose of your own being.

Any limitations are self-imposed, all barriers are self-sabotage. When you make a decision, there is nothing that can stand in your way.


Friday, October 26, 2007

A million

I feel like a million bucks! Nevermind, make that a million dollars! I don’t want to attract Woodland Creatures.

Thank God I’m rich! It makes me smile just to type that!

I have such clarity! Say the things that serve you. Is it lying? According to Mike Dooley, We are an Unlimited Beings of Light. To be offensive with words, use affirmations. To be defensive, be vigiliant. Mad-Eye Moody said, “Constant Vigilance!” Of course he was paranoid, and he wasn’t really Mad-Eye, but an imposter. But the message was valid.

Kiss your bills, that’s what Louise Hay said.

Identify Beliefs that would serve you. Install them using affirmations, hypnosis, acts of faith and acting as if they were true!

These are my musings about manifesting abundance.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Words are things

Does everyone think in words? I think so. Please post a comment or send an email if you don’t.

I do believe thoughts are powerful things. And we do have control over our thoughts to some extent. I believe we have more control over our spoken words than our thoughts. Because we usually think the words before we say them. And I have many thoughts that I do not choose to continue. I deliberately change them. I don’t dwell on sickness or injury or the worst that could happen. I choose to think about health, vibrant health and energy.

I am actually conducting an experiment right now. I affirm every morning and several times per day that I have so much energy, and lots of time. I always have time. I always have energy. I do schedule enough time for sleep and for meditation and self-hypnosis every day. I think that they are essential for me to have boundless energy. I don’t believe I can keep going beyond exhaustion if I don’t take care of myself. Affirmations and self-hypnosis are good, but not enough if I don’t take care of myself. I use affirmations and have had success with them before.

I got the idea for this experiment, because Mike Dooley issued a challenge for his audience to try, which was to keep saying, ”I’m so tired; I just don’t know why I’m exhausted all the time!” Even if you are lying. But I have no doubt that that would succeed and I prefer to create boundless energy, rather than exhaustion.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Leveraging the Universe

I just finished listening to Mike Dooley’s Leverage the Universe, and Engage the Magic. It is mind bogglingly fantastic. It’s awesome. And I went to his website and signed up for Notes from the Universe. So now I get an email everyday from the universe. It’s really cool. Maybe this email addiction I have can lead to a positive outcome!

This guy has been reading my mind. Or is it the other way around? Or am I just accessing the same Universal Mind that he has? I guess he actually started saying these things first, but so much of what he says is what I covered in my Verbal Impact seminar, which will be a 2-hour workshop next year.

I think everyone should talk to themselves in positive way. I think we should talk to each other that way. I think the word “should” should be replaced with could, which empowers you, instead of obligating you to do something. I could go see my grandmother. See? It sounds better than I should go see my grandmother. If I “should,” I might not, because it sounds like a burden. If I “could,” it sounds like a possibility, an opportunity, something that might be pleasant or rewarding. Mike says to replace “should” with “want.” It doesn’t work all the time for me. I’ll go with could. I could get a sandwich for you. I could make an appointment for you. I could help you facilitate change in your life. Etc.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

When Pigs Fly

Okay it’s time. The headline in the newspaper said Pigs Fly! So it’s time to do all the things you said you would do when pigs fly.

And for those people who say, I’ll do it when I get around to it, there is a round tu-it you can purchase (or make if you are creative). I’ve seen them in stores in the Amish country in Pennsylvania.

Maybe the headline was a message for me...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


The space between your thots..

Wayne Dyer says that the average person has 60,000 thots per day. He says they are basically the same thots day after day.

60,000 thots a day! Use them wisely, for thots are things!
Mike Dooley says all you need is 5 minutes per day to visualize your future.

I'll write more about this when I finish listening to the CDs, Leverage the Universe and Engage the Magic by Mike Dooley. So far it is enlightening and inspirational!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

you are getting sleepy...

I just read that sleep problems are so common that 1 in 4 people have them! Get this: sleep deprivation cost the nation $15 billion in healthcare expenses and $50 billion in lost productivity.


I occasionally have some sleeplessness during the night. What happens to me is I wake up once or twice during the night, and once in a while, I just don’t fall immediately back to sleep. This may happen at a time of high stress, when it is hard to shut off the worry tape in my conscious mind. At 3 in the morning I prefer to be asleep, so I need to quiet the conscious mind. I use self-hypnosis to relax every part of my body. By focusing on the progressive relaxation of my body, my mind isn’t yet quiet, but it has a task and this task is somewhat boring and repetitive, so I usually fall asleep pretty quickly. Basically I use the self-hypnosis to trick my mind. It wants to ruminate on anxious thots and worries and what might go wrong. I make it focus attention on each part of the body in a slow and deliberate order. I postpone worrying for a more convenient time for me. I am just so crabby and inefficient when I don’t get at least 7 hours of sleep!

Good night.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Life, the Universe and Everything

Universe or multiverse? I just heard that some people are questioning the use of the word "universe." I guess because of all the latest developments in quantum physics, and all the scientists trying to prove that randomness could not have created such an intelligent universe.

I don't know. I'm staying with universe. After all, isn't Everything and everyone supposed to ultimately be one?

One is a great book by Richard Bach.

Life, the Universe and Everything is also a title of one of the books in the misnamed trilogy by Douglas Adams.

Both fiction.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Manners. Please and Thank you. Is that all there is to manners? I read somewhere that manners are a social lubricant. There are no social lubricants for instant messages or email even. But as I said in my presentation, Verbal Impact, we can send email messages that look like formal letters in real life. I no longer send email messages without salutations. That’s the email you get from your boss that says:

Meeting at 3:00pm. Attendance mandatory.

Even if I send an email to a group, I like to start with “Hello Everyone” or “Salutations!” My latest kick is alliterative greetings, like Dear Lovely Lenore or Dear Persistent Pete. It’s fun to think up greetings that are profound, accurate or even just silly. I had a hard time thinking of an appropriate adjective for my friend Ron when I wanted to send him a message. All I could think of was Rambunctious or Rude and they didn’t quite fit. I think I grabbed my handy dictionary and browsed thru it for a more appropriate salutation. I found Regal and Royal. People seem to like them. I enjoy the greetings they send me in return. I got one recently saying Dear Gorgeous Gloria! It really has a positive impact and I think it gets the person to actually read the rest of the message!

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Avast thar, me hearties!

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! They seem to have dropped the "International" part.

I think I will send messages to everyone I know to spread the jubilation to other nations!

Aye, aye!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Treasure Chest

I have heard that Sept. 17 is Citizen’s day, but now I read that Wednesday is International Talk like a Pirate Day. Arrr! Just because it is popular to do that here in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, I guess they want to make it INTERnational, even tho it’s not even a national pastime! They are enamored with pirates here in Florida, and take every opportunity to dress up or talk like pirates. It’s an interesting phenomenon. I have a tape from Disney many years ago showing the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. It shows (male) pirates chasing women, drinking and having drunken confrontations (a great idea for a children’s ride)! I think the ride in Orlando has been updated to resemble the pirates found in the current popular movies with Johnny Depp. Where the men can wear makeup and the women can be pirates, too! In the movies the ribaldry and drinking have been toned down, though the violence emphasized and magic and supernatural elements have been introduced. But here in Tampa, although women can be pirates, they do have to wear push up bras and expose as much of their chests as possible. And drinking is more essential than the violence. But they do go together, don’t they?

I love Halloween, so I understand this childish need to play make believe. But they do it here all the time!

And substandard English is rampant here. So it’s hard to notice if someone is trying to talk like a pirate. I guess you just have to say, Hello me hearties! Aye, Aye! And Arrr! A lot.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


I read this morning that over 50,000 people are released from Florida jails per year with the same drug, alcohol, or mental health problems they went in with.

What is the answer? Love, caring and compassion need to be rampant, instead of apathy and indifference. Health food has to be fast and ubiquitous instead of hamburgers smothered in dressing and french fries coated with sugar and salt ( or cheese or gravy)!

A man is walking by me in the park. He is attached to a large enthusiastic pitbull puppy, by a heavy double chain. His flabby belly hangs over his boxers, which have valentine hearts printed on them. The bottom of his "shorts" are almost reaching his ankles. He is shirtless, highlighting several small monochromatic tattoos on the chest and shoulders. Does it cost more to have more colors? What happens when people move to Florida? Or does it happen after a set amount of years living here? Or does this change take place before moving?

Now I see a woman. It could be a pregnant belly, but still, the girth of the belly is balanced by an even larger double bump in the back, the behind actually. It's huge! 40 ax handles wide! Where does that expression come from? And why is it only applied to a woman's bottom?

I was just recording my observations while I was in the park. And leaving I wondered how to close this article. I started out thinking about the lack of compassion in our society and now I am forced to see it in myself.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Maddeningly Optimistic

Why do we say Thank you from the "bottom of my heart." Why not the "top of my heart?" It sounds more positive and optimistic to me.

"She was madly today." That's a sentence my son wrote for his homework. (I think he was referring to me.) He couldn't find madly in his dictionary. It was listed within the definition for mad. I hope he will learn to love the dictionary as madly as I do.

Mad. Where did that word come from? Dictionary says from Middle English, from Old English. Which means they aren't exactly sure how it came about, since English is a combination of so many influences.

And why can I think of no other sentence containing madly except "He loves her madly." What other things do we do madly? I read madly. I write madly. I eat madly. No they don't sound right. He was madly running way from the cops! She was madly dashing about the room looking for her shoes. It does go with running or dashing. And I think a bird could flap madly around in a cage. Can thoughts rampage madly through your mind??? I can, and often do, rummage madly through my pocketbook, looking for keys or a hairband.

Have I gone mad? Or am I just mad about words and expressions? Or am I just maddening?

Monday, September 10, 2007

You're Welcome

Why don’t people say “you’re welcome” anymore? This used to be the standard reply in response to Thank you. But I never hear it anymore. I’m on a personal mission to bring it back. You’re welcome to join me in this effort!

Friday, September 7, 2007


I am listening to a novel called Left Behind. It is absolutely terrifying. I never thought too much about the Rapture, or when I did I figured the righteous would disappear and most people wouldn’t even notice. But in LaHaye and Jenkins’ vision, 30-40% of people vanish at the same time all over the world. This causes chaos, and multiple traffic accidents and major catastrophes.(Is that redundant?) I would definitely grieve the losses, but it seems pretty obvious in this situation that the vanished ones are the lucky ones. They don’t have to deal with the plagues or the nasty people left behind. I think I would be happy for them and extremely sorry for myself. In the book a major character is a reporter and he sees this situation as an opportunity to get the news scoop over all other journalists. It’s all in your perspective.

I remember a friend of mine, Barbara, saying that major airlines always paired up one Christian pilot with another non-Christian, so that someone would be left to land the plane if the Rapture occurred! I thot it was hysterical at the time. (Anyone know if this is true?)

See for explanation of the word, "thot."

I didn't see the movie based on this novel, but it would probably make a suspenseful movie, that would make one think.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Where is Cyprus?

I'm going to write a few more articles about Cyprus. Most Americans don't even know that it is an independent country. In Florida, when I say my husband is from Cyprus, they say, Cypress what? Cypress Gardens? All of the developments here have names, and names of trees are quite popular. We have Whispering Oaks, Spanish Pines, and etc. Cypress Gardens is another minor tourist attraction.

I didn't know where it was when I met my husband. He actually drew me a picture, a map and as he drew it, he explained that Jesus lived over here (in the middle East), and Lazarus took a boat over to Cyprus after Jesus revived him, and the apostles traveled here, and Aphrodite was born off the coast of Cyprus, and I was just amazed that I got an education in ancient history as well as Geography! The US is so new and he was telling me about places that are written about in the Bible! He knew where these things actually happened!

Cyprus is located East of Crete, North of Africa, West of Iran, and South of Turkey. It is closer to Turkey than to Greece. It was inhabited by Greeks, Turks, Africans, Romans, etc, But mostly Greeks.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Interesting email subjects

Why do I get emails with such interesting subjects (like, “How to date a stripper”) ? Or with no subject at all? Those I send immediately to junk. So if you want to reach me put something in the subject line. I don’t want to erase inquiries from potential clients, but I refuse to open any more offers for impotency drugs or herbs!

And why do I get emails from females who want to chat with me?

How on the world did I get on that list???

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Enthralling music

I am so excited. I went to the library last night. I love the library! I found some CDs by a spectacular singer, Mario Frangoulis, in the International Popular music section. I had to play it as soon as I got in the car. I told my son, “I love this singer!” He wanted to know who I loved more, him (MF) or Daddy. Then he wanted to know if I loved him (my son) more than Daddy. I told him there were different types of love. But perhaps we should be more careful with that word. “Love” has many meanings, but maybe we could be more clear if we said, “I enjoy eating pizza,” rather than saying “I love pizza!”

But I do have a strong attachment and admiration for the library. I am consistently amazed at how many wonderful things are available for no cost. Of course, I do pay my share of late fines. We brought Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows back a few days late. But we just had to finish it! They only allowed 2 weeks for a book with over 700 pages!!!

Don’t believe me about the verbal impact thing? How about music? You must admit that music and sounds have a noticeable influence on our physiology. Water sounds are very relaxing, or I wouldn’t find those adorable little fountains in so many offices. Some music energizes you, that’s why the exercise gurus play it. Some music elevates the soul.

Last night the librarian was telling me about a musical performance with a powerful, magnetic singer who just enthralled the whole audience (and even the ushers). She used the word “mesmerizing!”

The last time I was enthralled by music was at a live performance by Mario Frangoulis in Tampa in January 2006.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Eloquence is Silver. Silence is Golden.

This is just a saying I like. And I think some may be familiar with the last sentence only. Someone from Thailand told me this is what they say there.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Sunshine State

I just read something funny about Florida. It was in today’s Florida Trend Newsletter.
According to this article, Florida’s motto is, “We’re cheap, and we’re proud of it!”
That means we have mediocre colleges for bargain tuition. Doesn’t that make you proud?!

More about Florida:

They call it the Sunshine State. We do have a lot of sunshine, but we also have a lot of humidity, snakes, and insects. There are hundreds of kinds of ants and we have them in abundance, especially the venomous kinds. We have fire ants, but they aren’t the only ones that sting. You’ve probably heard of fire ants, because they use a military strategy to overcome the enemy (you), by attacking en masse and then stinging all at once creating a strong burning sensation. It happened to me one day outside by the pool. They crawled on my leg and whoa! I tried to shake them off and then ran and put my leg in the pool. This didn’t bring immediate relief, but cooled the sensation somewhat. I have heard that rubbing alcohol is good for this type of sting.

Other small ants sting, too. Their sting just doesn’t burn as much and they don’t always attack as a group. One tiny isolated sting is easier to deal with and it’s easier to deliver the death penalty to the lone perpetrator.

By the way, we do have the death penalty in Florida. Another thing to be proud of?

Saturday, August 18, 2007

National Guild of Hypnotists Convention

The convention was wonderful. I'm so glad I get to do this at least once per year. I love the combination of education and socialization. So much talent, so little time! The speakers are still fantastic. I've been going 11 years now and I'm impressed every time I go. I get to meet new people and reconnect with others that I rarely get to see. Kevin Hogan greeted me warmly with a hug. The interview I did with him will be available as a podcast before the end of September. That's why I went to Gerry Kein's workshop on podcasting. That was very entertaining as well as informative. Dick Sutphen shared the secrets of brain washing with us in a seminar on Friday. I wasn't able to attend his seminar last year, as it was at the same time as mine (Creative Hypnosis). The most intriguing seminar I saw was called Neurovasculars and Hypnosis, presented by Laurie Barefoot. She was in my certified instructor class last year and had a presentation right after mine on Sunday. I had never heard of neurovascular points before, but I think I will begin to hear lots more about them. It was very interesting.

Unfortunately, I had to leave the convention early (before 1pm) in order to catch the only direct flight back to Tampa. I won't mention the airline, but I think I will make an effort to avoid this one next year. After clearing security, I went to my gate and boarded the plane. After a few minutes the captain announced there was a tiny problem. A half-hour later it was a major problem and we were allowed to leave the plane, as it would be over 3 hours before we could make repairs or get a different plane. Since I would not be home in time for dinner as I had planned, I decided to get dinner at a nice restaurant if I could find one. The food was good and I met someone who was interested in hypnosis who was waiting for the same flight.

It all turned out okay (I did get home safely and my luggage returned with me).

By the way, if you want to read about my presentation, Verbal Impact, Can Words Hurt You? You can pop over to the article called Verbal Impact on Ellie Blunt's blog,

Thursday, August 16, 2007


I just finished Self-Made Man by Nora Vincent. It's a very interesting account of the experiences of a woman who dresses like a man for more than a year. It's a very interesting examination of gender roles in our culture.

I'm intrigued by things like this. "Tootsie" is one of my favorite movies. I love the way Dustin Hoffman reacts when he can't get a taxi, and when his boss calls him Sweetie or Tootsie instead of his name. I actually could accept Dorothy as a woman.

"Yentl," however, was a different story. I never thought Barbara looked enough like a man to fool Mandy Pantankin or Amy whats-her-name.

Is Gender behavior inborn or learned? I think the answer is both. Nora thought it would be very liberating to be treated like a man, but found out just how much pressure there is to BE A MAN! She started her experiences like a boy and learned along the way what it really means to be a man in our culture. There are some good insights in her book.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A wonderful article

I just wrote a wonderful article and published it on my other blog, Philolog's blog.

It's full of big words, but I'm not just showing off (I'm no pedant), they really fit together, and in an amusing way.

I fear many people will give up after the first sentence, but I'm proud of it.

I dare you to check it out,

And tell me what you think (if you make it all the way through)!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

My Recent Trip to Cyprus

The Island of Cyprus: A Curious blend of Greek, Turkish, British and other European influences, like strong coffee. You can drink traditional coffee, espresso, or take it light, sweet, frothy, and on the rocks as a frappe. Those are very popular there during summer.

I finally saw one of those infamous archaic “toilets” I was warned about several years ago. It was in the old town of Lemesos. It wasn't just a hole in the floor. There were 2 stalls with doors in the Ladies’ Room. Inside of each, the floor was indented and curved in such a way to avoid spillage. There was also a trash bin for paper waste and a toilet tank suspended on the wall, with a roll of toilet tissue sitting on top. And this facility was located right at the bottom of Cleopatra’s Street at the intersection of Freedom Road! I don’t think Cleo would have approved.

Next time I’ll keep looking for a MacDonald’s establishment. The food is nothing special, but I bet the bathrooms are a little more modern!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Speed Bumps

They have speed bumps in Cyprus. The roads are very narrow. Cars are parked all over the place, especially sidewalks. But most streets in the old town don't have sidewalks. I think it is time they actually start building garages. I did not see one garage in Cyprus. I saw a few car ports, and some new apartment buildings, have been designed to have ground level parking, but usually not enough. I guess it's something new that every family has a car. My husband's parents NEVER owned a car. His father used a bicycle when they were kids.

Watch out for the speed bumps! Before you drive over one, you will see a sign that says "Humped Crossing." That refers to the speed humps!

Sunday, June 10, 2007


We went to the fair in the town of Larnaca, in the country of Cyprus, which coincided with Memorial Day weekend here.

There was cotton candy, ice cream, and grilled corn on the cob. There were many stands with nuts and dried fruits and a local speciality called suzuko (almonds or walnuts surrounded by a grape gelatinous candy, shaped in long tubes). They had some rides; a ferris wheel and bumper cars along with other rides that use centrifugal force to push you around or turn you upside down.

They were selling some of the usual items: jewelry, spelled “jewellery” here, hairbands and other adornments, tee shirts, scarves, toys and some more interesting items: towels, bras and lamps. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them at a county or state fair in the USA.

I was told that no one goes to the fair before 9pm. The whole family (including baby) is supposed to go to the fair after 10 o’clock mostly to be seen. The teenagers go to meet other teenagers.

It was crowded. I would say it reminded me of Coney Island 25 years ago.

The fair was called “Kataklysmos,” which is the basis for the word, cataclysm. I was told this festival was a celebration of Pentecost, but I don’t understand the title, since cataclysm in English means flood or inundation, or a momentous violent event like an earthquake.

I will share more of my observations during my trip to Cyprus and Greece in the near future.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Jet Lag

I thought that previously when travelling to Europe, I was always so excited to get there and be there, that I wasn't bothered by jet lag until returning home and returning to work.

Does it really have to do with lack of sleep, or is it just going back to work that makes one so tired?

It is a good excuse, though. I wonder how long I use it as an excuse for being late and falling asleep in meetings?

Friday, May 11, 2007

Visualization Techniques

I listened to Dr. Andrew Weil this morning and he strongly believes that all systems in the body respond to visualization, guided imagery and hypnotherapy. His main concern is to strengthen the immune system by eating a fresh natural diet, low in animal fats. I agree he’s right, but after hearing his list of 10 or 12 toxic foods, I don’t have any idea what in the world to eat today?!

At least I know how to use self-hypnosis to keep my immune system running and restore health whenever necessary. I guess I need to use it to accelerate learning of his nutritional guidelines and to create cravings for natural foods and to eliminate unhealthy habits.

Lucky for me, I’m a hypnosis consultant!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Verbal Impact

I'm going to transfer all the articles about hypnosis to my other blog,, which you can get to by clicking on my profile or by using this link.

This blog will be used for thoughts on books and movies and other observations or musings.

Thank you for reading!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Medical Hypnotism

Before I finish this exploration of the history of hypnotism, I must mention that many doctors have used it. It was used as an anesthetic before chemical anesthesia became available.

In the 1840's Dr. Braid, a Scottish surgeon was using hypnosis as an anesthetic.

Around the same time, Dr. James Esdaille, performed "painless" surgery in India on more patients than any other physician before him. These operations influenced the British Medical Association to conclude in 1891 that hypnosis is "frequently effective in relieving pain, procuring sleep, and alleviating functional ailments."

Ah, now that that's over with I can get to the good stuff next time!!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Non-surgical facelifts

I just read an article about non-surgical facelifts. But something is missing. I bought a book about this a few years ago. It’s about using hypnosis to reverse many of the signs of aging. Yes! Hypnosis! The power of the mind! The non-invasive method with no negative side effects!

Why don’t I read about this on MSN? Why don’t I hear about it? I guess I’ll have to write about it myself!!!!

More about this (and breast augmentation) in future blogs!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Unofficial Hypnosis

Between 1000 C.E. and 1500 C.E. hypnosis was not really documented. After all the word was coined sometime around 1841 By James Braid, who experimented with hypnotizing his family and servants. He thought that the hypnotic state was caused by a paralysis of the nervous system. He published a book on the subject. Later he tried to refer to this phenomena as "Braidism." The name never caught on. Curious how Mesmer called his theory "Animal Magnetism," yet people now refer to it as Mesmerism, and Braid wanted to call it "Braidism" and hypnosis was the name that stuck.

But there were doctors, healers and religious figures who used suggestions to aid in healing. Many of them unintentionally.

Hypnosis never went away, because it is a natural ability. And persuasive, charismatic people have used it over the centuries.

Fortunately, we do see evidence of it in ancient civilizations: The Ebers Papyrus, for example. More on this next time!

Friday, April 20, 2007

The Father of Modern Hypnosis

The Marquis de Puysegur was a follower of Mesmer. He differed from Mesmer, though, in that he felt that a receptive state could be reached in a gentle manner. He used "mesmeric passes," to induce a trance and then gave direct suggestions or commands.

And what about Dr. Ambrose-August Liebault? Another Frenchman. He was the first to realize that deep trance was not necessary to make beneficial changes. He and his followers formed the "Nancy School" and treated patients at the Nancy Hospital with hypnosis. They used direct suggestions to eliminate symptoms and had many successes. The medical establishment were very suspicious and tried to discredit their findings, because it wasn't profitable to cure disorders without medicines. Some of the treatments included post-hypnotic suggestions, hallucinations, and insensibility to pain. Liebault is sometimes called the "Father of Modern Hypnosis."

Friday, April 13, 2007

Fathers of Hypnosis

Who was the "father of hypnosis?"

There are several contenders for this title. I would like to discuss some of them.

The first may have been Anton Mesmer, who originated the theory of "Animal Magnetism," which basically stated that there was a magnetic fluid inside all living animals which could be influenced by iron rods and restore health to those afflicted with various conditions.

He believed that some kind of blockage of this magnetic fluid would inevitably lead to sickness. He desired to release this blockage, and devised many methods to do so, affecting many cures. Mesmer was very successful for a long period of time, but his ideas and some of his methods were so unusual, that the ruling establishment appointed a committee to investigate his claims. In 1784 Ben Franklin, Dr. Guillotine and others concluded that his cures were based on imagination, not “animal magnetism." Mesmer left France in 1791 and eventually settled in Switzerland.

Though Mesmer died in 1815, many of his followers continued to perform healings based on his methods. The discovery of the hypnotic state was stumbled upon by accident by one of Mesmer's students, the Marquis de Puysgur, one day when trying to magnetize a young shepherd boy. Rubbing the boy's head had put the boy into a hypnotic sleep. Trying to awaken the boy, the Marquis gave several commands, such as stand up, walk, and sit down, and was astounded to observe the boy obey, yet still remain in his sleeping state. When the shepherd boy finally woke up, he had no memory of these events.

The method used by the Marquis de Puysgur sounds a lot more like hypnotism as it is practiced today than Mesmer's methods.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hyper hypnotists

I will speak to my class this weekend about the history of hypnosis. It’s full of very interesting characters, like Anton Mesmer and Father Hell. Milton Erickson may be the father of modern hynosis and he was quite colorful, too.

But I find the mothers of hypnosis to be much more fascinating. More next time.

Monday, April 9, 2007

The Advent of Hypnosis

I think moms invented hypnosis. Isn’t it the power of suggestion when a mom kisses the boo-boo and makes it all better? And I think mothers have been doing this a very long time.

We will go over the history of hypnosis in my class this weekend. I’ll also include a more scholarly exploration of the origins of hypnotism in future blogs.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Hypnotist Class

My first Professional Hypnotist Certification Class is going very well! I have several amazing students and I am enjoying the class immensely. They all are very interesting and multi-talented!

I wish all of them, and all of you a Very Happy Easter!

There will be no class this weekend, in observance of the Easter Holidays.

Don’t worry, they have homework!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Hypnotic Eloquence

Deepak Chopra’s words wash over me like a cool stream. The insights are very startling and refreshing. I'm listening to Ageless Body, Timeless Mind (an audio book). That man is very deep.

The book is about Aging and Beliefs.

It seems that positive thinking and belief do have an influence over our health as we age. Deepak Chopra (DC) talks about many studies done on aging and though good genes might buy you 3 more years of life, there are other factors which seem to have a stronger influence. Lifestyle changes like: sleeping at least 7 hours per night, eating breakfast consistently, moderate exercise (30 minutes 5 times per week), moderate drinking (less than FOUR drinks daily!), and no smoking. These are all things we can control. And they can bring 11 more years of life!

I think DC is a very effective hypnotist. Just listening to him on tape can show you a different way to look at things. To me, that is a large part of hypnosis. And of course, hypnosis can help you make the lifestyle changes mentioned above into regular daily habits.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I'm so excited about my new class starting next Friday, March 30.

I also have a new office! I'll have to get it ready next week!

See for details about my Hypnotist Certification Course and Self-hypnosis classes.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Vocational education

I am so looking forward to my class starting on March 30. I will be the instructor! It's going to be great. I even have some local hypnotists lined up as guest speakers.

I bought a white board to hang up in my office. And I ordered the manuals and other supplies. There are all kinds of goodies that come in the student kits, like a crystal pendulum! It's neat!

So if you are interested in learning how to hypnotize others (and yourself), check out

Friday, March 9, 2007

How does it feel?

Some people experience sensations of floating, lightness or heaviness, sinking or swirling motions. Sometimes people see vivid imagery. People usually feel calm, relaxed and separate from their worries and pressures. There is less physical and emotional tension. Respiration and heartbeat slow down. If the blood pressure is high, it decreases. Most people experience hypnosis as a pleasant or even euphoric state.

There are many benefits of hypnosis. When you first awaken, you may be groggy for a few seconds, but then you will feel refreshed and relaxed. Separating from your cares for even a few minutes may give you a feeling of relief. Now if you are motivated to change, you may notice it’s a lot easier to break a habit or even start a new positive behavior, like regular exercise. You feel stronger and more positive. You won’t notice little things as much, it increases your frustration tolerance. One of my clients told me that after his first session, that colors seemed brighter, he tasted his lunch for the first time in 20 years, he felt more cheerful and confident, he had an increased sense of well-being, and slept better. These are all part of the relaxation response, which you can obtain from hypnosis or self-hypnosis.

They say all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. So why do we need a hypnotist? The hypnotist’s job is to guide the person into a relaxed state and make positive, meaningful suggestions to them. The suggestions should be carefully worded to instruct the subconscious mind to accept and work toward the person’s stated goals. When that happens, behavior can be influenced in a very direct way. Habitual behavior can be eliminated. New options can be found. A famous hypnotherapist, Dr. Milton Erickson defined hypnosis as a temporary interruption of habitual behavior in order for creative solutions to take place.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Demystifying Hypnosis

What is hypnosis used for?

Hypnosis is a tool for behavior modification. You probably know some uses for it already. Hypnosis is very effective for those who want to quit smoking. A study done in 1995 by the AMA found hypnosis to be almost 80% effective. This means 80% effective for eradicating an addiction! There is no other addiction treatment I know of, which can claim over 25%.
It’s also used to lose weight, stop nail-biting, eliminate the fear of public speaking, and build confidence. Most people come to me for improving either their relationships or their job performance. Hypnosis is very effective for stress reduction, which everyone has, and when the stress is reduced, people become more effective at their jobs and relationships. Someone called me about weight loss. The real problem was insomnia due to stress. After 1 session, the stress level was lower and she could fall asleep more easily. This helps our body digest food and eliminate wastes, therefore, reducing weight gain. Isn't it ironic that worrying about gaining weight, can actually create conditions which make it easier for your body to retain weight?

"Demystify" is a mysterious and mystical word, derived from Latin, meaning to elucidate, make clear, expose.

Next time: confabulation.

Friday, March 2, 2007


What is hypnosis?
It is a natural state, characterized by focused inward attention, and inattention to external stimuli.
This state occurs naturally while daydreaming, watching a movie, or listening to music which brings back memories or associations. Has anyone had the experience of being lost in a daydream, or of becoming absorbed in a book or movie? How about listening to a song on the radio that transports you back the high school prom? Remember when you were in school, and the teacher would talk on and on, while you stared out the window and daydreamed about playing outside with your friends? If the teacher called on you, what would happen?
You’d immediately know you were in trouble. So, what happened? While you were daydreaming, you were in a state similar to hypnosis. Because when you daydream, you focus inward on your imagination, and pay little attention to what is actually going on around you. But if you need to, you can immediately shift awareness from inside to outside.
You might also find yourself so absorbed in a book, that you don’t notice things going on in the same room.
Or, have you ever sat down to watch a movie, and when the credits roll you suddenly come back to the awareness that 2 hours went by in a flash of an eye?!
Time flies when you're having fun; time flies when you’re in hypnosis!

Hypnosis is simply a state of focused attention.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I can't let this go without making a comment:

The city manager of Largo, Florida, announced last week that he intended to have a sex change operation. He also stated that he would like to keep his $140K position. Last night the City Council voted 5-2 to terminate him. He is an at-will employee and can be terminated at any time for any reason or no reason at all. Of course, they say the reason is not because he has chosen to become a woman, but I was wondering last week how they were going to get out of paying a woman a man's salary. It was easy, given the terms of his employment contract.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Who can be hypnotized?

Who thinks they can be hypnotized?

The World Health Organization says 90% of adults can be hypnotized.

Here are some characteristics that seem to help:
1. intelligent and curious; willing to learn new things.
2. motivated to change
3. ability to concentrate or focus
4. creativity or a good imagination .
Think of a circus elephant. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Can you see it? Hear it? Smell it? Is it wearing a hat or a blanket? Who saw it? If you can see it, hear it or feel it, you have a good imagination.
5. cooperation is the most important. You cannot be hypnotized against your will and cannot be brainwashed into accepting suggestions that are against your religion or moral upbringing.
Now who thinks they can be hypnotized?

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Good Vibrations

I'm on the Joy Diet now. I just finished The Joy Diet, by Martha Beck. It's fantastic. It contains her coaching program, not a food diet, but a recipe for living life more joyfully. I think it's a great approach.

I think I have found the most upbeat song in the world. It’s great to listen to on Monday mornings. I have been listening to Good Vibrations on Jaquee’s website, It is so positive. And since I am doing a presentation on Verbal Impact and the vibrations of words, I’d really like to end the presentation on a positive note, by playing a few minutes of this song. What do you think? Is it the most positive or do you have a better suggestion? I want to guarantee that everyone leaves feeling happy!

I used to use Here comes the Sun by the Beatles and Walking on Sunshine by the Pointer Sisters and more recently, Cheryl Crow’s Soak up the Sun, to boost my mood. I think I'm going to play Good Vibrations every Monday morning and see how that works.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Flip-flop report

Do not wear flip-flops tonight as there is a freeze warning in effect for Northern Pinellas County. Wear boots if you have them, or fuzzy slippers!

Do kids wear fuzzy slippers to school up North? They do here!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Flip-flop Report

This is the Florida weather report: cool and cloudy today. Wear closed shoes if you have them, and even a pair of socks, if you can find them! If you wear the usual flip-flops, your toes may get froze!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Great Book

I just finished listening (books on tape!) to a fantastic book last night, called The Dirty Girls Club, by Alisa Valdes-Rodrigues. It was fantastic! I thought it was going to be humorous and entertaining. It was, that and more. Very Profound and Engrosssing. I even learned something about Puerto Rico and Nigeria. Very powerful. It contains all kinds of messages about diversity and domestic violence and human behavior. I loved it! What a pleasant surprise! Brilliant!

I like things that educate as well as entertain. Flashback: I hear Betsy’s voice in the background, “This is Vacation, NOT Education!” when she protested my intention to go to a museum while we were visiting San Francisco. I guess I’m in the minority on this and many other issues.

Friday, January 12, 2007


This blog will contain my thoughts and musings on a variety of subjects, including movies and books. Mostly books, as I rarely see movies these days. I would like to keep the philolog's blog for my sharing words, phrases and epigrams. And those pressing punctuation issues.