Monday, June 29, 2009

I told you

I told you they love me at the Blood Bank:

They sent me a Happy Birthday wish!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Spectacular Spectacles

I don't want to blame this on aging, but my birthday is coming up (on Sunday).

I now need to wear glasses. Pretty much all the time. But I don't. I usually need them for reading, unless I am outside in bright sunlight. I need them to read Newspapers all the time, even in sunlight. And driving. And using the computer. But I still prefer to take them off when doing housework, or talking to someone, or watching TV (unless I have to read subtitles) or shopping. It's more convenient to take my son shopping with me, to read the expiration dates on the coupons.

But ...glasses? They are quite fashionable these days. And so widespread that they no longer say "men don't make passes at girls who wear glasses."

What an outdated, sexist expression!
Remember when the put thick lenses with clunky black frames on Marilyn Monroe to make her look unattractive?!! If you remember that, then you are older than me!!

I guess I could wear contacts, but then I don't have a choice whether to wear them or not. I think if I wore contacts it would be difficult to take them off, and that is something I would only want to do once per day. So, if I'm at work I'll wear my glasses. Or reading. Or driving. I keep my spare pair in the car.

So, just what is my objection to wearing glasses?

Because they make me feel older? No, many young people wear glasses.

Maybe because they make me look more studious? No, that's a good thing.

Because they hide my beautiful hazel eyes? Noooo.

What is it?!

Maybe because they continually slip down my nose? Maybe because my hair gets stuck in the hinges and they pull out some hair when I take them off? Maybe because it seems my eyes itch and I need to rub them more when I am wearing them. Does anyone else have any of these problems? I can't be the only one!

And even though the optometrist technicians all say "you'll get used to them!" It still seems like I'm walking on a moving boat when I'm walking down the stairs. And I don't really want to (get used to them)!

Just stubborn, I guess. If I do wear them all the time and get used to them , then I will be dependent on them.

Maybe if I call them spectacles, I'll like them better. Is there another word for glasses?

Double monocles.
Opticle technological magnification apparatus.
Vision Enhancement Devices, or VEDs, for short.

I'll stick with spectacles, or maybe spectaculars. Yeah, I like that!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Interview with a Vampire

Yesterday I saw my friendly phlebotomist on the bloodmobile in order to donate some blood. I've got premium in my veins and the Blood Bank calls me every time they have a bloodmobile in my area.

So I must thank my supervisor for the title as he said I could take a break to go to the bloodmobile during my work day and I should log it as "interview with a vampire!"

I remember reading awhile ago that the Japanese were trying to come up with a synthetic blood which would not carry infrections and could not be rejected by any blood type. I guess they haven't yet developed one that good, or else it may be too expensive to produce in mass quantities, because I cannot find synthetic blood on the internet. I can find "substitute blood products" which are synthetic, but they can't do everything blood does.

One type of these products is called Perfluorocarbon emulsions (PFCE) and they are considered oxygen therapeutics, which apparently are superior to hemoglobin in delivering oxygen to the cells according to this PR release:

Due to the synthetic nature of PFCE's, the product has a shelf life of 2 years and minimizes the risk of infection or immunologic reaction resulting from a transfusion (i.e. mismatched blood type, mismatched Rh factor or diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis B). In addition, PFCE's dissolve oxygen (unlike hemoglobin, which binds the molecule), which allow them to load/unload oxygen 2 times faster than hemoglobin, extract >90% of the transported oxygen and as evident in Oxygent™ (a current PFCE product), deliver the amount of oxygen of 1-2 units of red blood cells in one unit of PFCE product (100-110 ml). About 4-12 hours after infusion, the PFCE particles are removed from the circulation via normal respiration.

Blood is an amazing fluid. It serves many functions.

to be continued...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Growing Wiser

These are the words of Marianne Williamson in The Age of Miracles:

This is not the end. It is the beginning...Growing older just happens; growing wise is something else again. The challenge of age is not to skip life's disappointments, but to transcend them. We transcend them by learning the lessons they have taught us, however painful...But the miracle of change is that nothing that happened before this moment has any bearing on what's possible now, except that what you learned from it can be fuel for a magnificent future.

My apologies to Marianne for changing the word "midlife" in the last paragraph to "change."

Very Persuasive

This Is For Real {!firstname_fix}

Do you ever get emails that begin like this?

I like it when they do use my first name, but often when I sign up for things I use a pseudonym so I will know that it is not a true acquaintance of mine.

Another interesting subject line frorm my email today: Let your volcano erupt!

Now that is enticing. That gets me to open the email.

The subject on the first line, gets labeled as junk.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Optimism and the Hypnotic Fountain of Youth

I found a great quotation!

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope or confidence. - Helen Keller

And in Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman, he mentions that optimism leads to better health, which leads to longer life. It seems that the immune system is strengthened by positive thoughts and weakened by negative thoughts. This agrees with another book, You can't Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought by John-Roger & Peter McWilliams.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Junk Mail

Good News!

Thousands of single women are waiting to meet me!

Or so it says in an email I received today.

I do get the most interesting mail! Especially in my junk folder!

Here are a few more interesting subject lines:

Stop snoring, without sprays or pills

This is about your yellow teeth

Lose all the weight you want

If your joints still hurt, read this now

Official Notification of Winner

Wishing you Cooperation Delectation

and I guess I don't need this anymore:
You can pick up more women
since I got that first one. And of course, I am married, and I am female!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Book

I'm so excited! I am about to start a new audio book by Deepak Chopra!

It's called Why is God Laughing? The Path to Joy and Spiritual Optimism.

I have read some reviews of it and it is said to be a funny book. It is also written more like a novel, than some of his other books. It is the story of a comedian who meets a stranger who becomes his spiritual mentor.

I can't wait to read it!

BTW, has anyone ever heard Deepak laugh?