Friday, December 14, 2012

In Loving Memorial of The Princeton Cat

How come this is the only photo of Crookie I can find?!  A few years ago, he climbed into a box after my son opened all his gifts.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

In Loving Memorial of Our Cat

Our cat came to us from a coworker who was moving up North. She said one of her kids developed an allergy to cats. His name was Crookshanks. We called him Crookie. We also referred to him as The Princeton Cat, because he seemed like a gentleman scholar.

He was a sociable fellow. He liked to start the day with many loud meows and a hearty breakfast of dry food. He always wanted to be near his people, and often would jump on the love seat when 2 or 3 of us were watching TV. He loved to sit in my lap while I was meditating.

His main interests were napping and eating. He liked to talk and ocassionally to startle people with his strange singing style, called bargeling. He was a mild-mannered gentleman, but sometimes acted like a tiger. Even though he had no claws he did hunt and catch several lizards who somehow wandered inside the house. He did like to venture outside and chew grass once in a while.

His other hobby was kneading the dough, which he often practiced on blankets and pillows.

He was a handsome cat, with big, round, green eyes. He was a sweet, soft, mild furball and will be missed by his people.

Good night, Crookie. Thanks for the smiles and winks!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hypnotic Images

I love to use staircase imagery in my hypnosis sessions. I just pinned a photo of a staircase on my facebook page. It has stairs leading up and then 2 staircases diverge in opposite directions. This is a really good way for people to explore the results of making 2 different decisions in their life!

I also like to use a staircase going down a staircase in order to deepen a trance. Though it really doesn't matter whether it goes up or down.  Trance isn't actually a vertical thing, so you just go further and further, not necessarily deeper and deeper.

trance is just a journey through your own imagination!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Love Your Children NOW

Every morning I meditate and this is the message I received this morning. I know it will be helpful advice for someone today, for struggling parents, especially single parents. Remember the "she" goes equally for "he."

Love the child now.
She will be gone in a few years.
And she won't have time for you in the future.
If you don't have time for her now.

Love is the answer.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

4 Secrets for Quitting

1. Exercise.
2. Hypnosis.
3. Reinforcement with self-hypnosis.
4. Reward Yourself for making a significant change in your life (and lifespan).

I just read an article on RealAge that said that daily exercise helps to reduce cravings for cigarettes!

It's a pretty good article, but I would add to it:

See your hypnotist to enlist the help of your subconscious mind in becoming a Fresh Air breather. Hypnosis makes this change easier and quicker. Add years to your life and dollars to your wallet!!

In honor of The Great American Smokeout, I am offering a Group Hypnosis session on Friday, November 16. The session is limited to 8 smokers. call 727-946-1531 to register. Only $69.
(Regular Price $99.)

I can also provide individual hypnosis sessions.

I read an article a few days ago about quitting smoking with hypnosis.... There are a lot of articles like this at this time of year. There's a lot of support out there if you need it!

RealAge also recommends preparing to quit,Step by Step, so you don't have to do it Cold Turkey. See the Plan here:

Many people will quit for 24 hours on November 15. If you want to make it permanent, please come to the Hypnotic Quit Group on November 16, 6:30pm, in Tarpon Springs, FL.


   Fresh Air Breathers smell better!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Quit Smoking This Year

The Great American Smokeout is Thursday, November 15. It falls on the Thursday before Thanksgiving every year, and thousands of smokers quit smoking if just for one day!

HOWEVER, The Hypnotic Quit Group has been rescheduled for FRIDAY, November 16 at 6:30 PM.

This group hypnosis session is for smokers who want to become Fresh Air Breathers. I will answer all your questions about making a smooth transition to better health, better vitality and better smell by quitting cigarettes and taking control of your habit! It costs only $69.
Regular Price $99.
Call 727-946-1531 to reserve your spot. This small group is limited to 8 people.
Hypnosis is safe, natural and effective. Thousands of people just like you have quit permanently without a huge hassle! If you don't smoke, please pass this along to a smokers you know and love! And if you do smoke, bring along another smoker and you each get $10 off the special price of $69.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Tension Headaches

I just read an article about headaches. It seems that many migraines are misdiagnosed as sinus headaches. The medical community says that sinus headaches usually do not cause pain, but may cause pressure. So if you have pain, then you may have a migraine, or a tension headache. There are some ways to tell if it is a migraine. Migraines are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, vision problems and finding noise and light unbearable, in addition to severe pain. A tension headache is merely painful, but bearable.

The good news is that all of these headaches can be reduced using hypnosis. I have seen tension headaches disappear during a session. I have seen migraine pain minimized during hypnosis, and have talked to several other hypnotists who have helped many people eliminate migraines altogether.

The first time was actually during a lecture at the National Guild of Hypnotists convention several years ago. The speaker asked if any in the audience were experiencing headache pain. Then by asking a few questions suddenly the pain slipped away and she instructed them to just let it go. And they did! Since then I have used the same procedure in my classes and sessions with excellent results.

The best way to eliminate headache pain is with self-hypnosis and I teach my clients how to do this so when they feel a headache coming on, they can stop it before it gets too big to handle.

The good news is all 3 types of headaches respond to hypnosis. Before I hypnotize a client for pain, I insist they see a doctor to make sure it is not a symptom of a more serious problem.

So for common headache pain, you may want to consider a natural drug-free solution: hypnosis!

Call Enlightened Hypnosis at 727-946-1531.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Meteor Shower October 21, 2012

This morning we stole out into the cool fresh dark of night to view the meteor shower!

Meteor showers are not like laser light shows.  They are not like fireworks. They are much more subltle. It was more like, what was that? a flash of light. And what is that? a small star traveling across the sky! No special effects, just Mother Nature showering us with her awesome gifts, which are so easy to miss if we are not looking for them.

I feel blessed to have witnessed it myself. And I am grateful for the meteoric blessings I have received in my life.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

How is your Heart?

You're invited if you have a big heart and want to make a donation to the American Heart Association!

Fall Fitness Fundraiser
for the American Heart Association

5:30 PM, Friday, October 19, 2012

Connie Russo, fitness expert, and Gloria Constantas, mental fitness expert, are teaming up again to bring you vital information about your health and vitality and make a big donation to the American Heart Association. The biggest factor in coronary heart disease is smoking and you can eliminate the smoking habit with hypnosis. See if you are a good candidate for hypnosis at the hypno-demo on Friday.

American Heart Association
Fall Fitness Fundraiser

Friday, October 19, 2012, 5:30 am
PMR Elite Fitness
1029 Pinellas Ave (Alt 19) (new address!)
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689
$10.00 donation at door.
Come early if you would like to get your blood pressure taken.
There will be a raffle for a Blue Jays team shirt.
Are you ready to quit smoking and become a Fresh Air Breather?
I have a Hypnotic Quit Group planned for November 15, the Great American Smokeout Day!
Call 727-946-1531 if interested.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Mesmerizing Truth

I would like to tell you a True tale about a Great Man and a Grievous miscarriage of Justice!

A story based in Fact, in Science.

Franz Anton Mesmer was born in Germany in 1734. He studied Music, History, Law, Astronomy and Medical Science. He became a healer, learning all the Modern Techniques of the day, like purging, bleeding, and how to administer the correct amount of opium and other potions.

Yes! He was a Healer. And an observer, a scientist, considered a Genius by the many fortunate souls who were healed by his methods.

Mesmer was inspired by a priest named Father Hell. Yes! Father Hell was a popular healer in the 18th Century. Father Hell had performed miracles of healing in the public square and all were invited to come, to watch, and to be healed by all manner of Disease.  Father Hell used his faith to heal hundreds of followers. His faith and a metal cross of grand height. Reports say that a line would form in the square and the unfortunate Sick would come to him one at a time, stand before Fr. Hell, Fr. Hell would touch him (or her) with the monstrous cross, he (or she) would fall down as if Dead, then rise up when Fr. Hell commanded, completely Healed!

Mesmer, who was a man of science and letters, deduced that the healings were not generated by the Power of Faith, but were instead induced by the Metal Cross. He suspected that there was an invisible magnetic fluid contained in every living thing, which provided perfect health if flowing properly, but would severly compromise the body with some affliction if there was a blockage. Mesmer then devised many methods using magnets or iron rods, even magnetizing other objects so that he could influence the Animal Magnetism of every individual who came to him with any affliction of the flesh. He healed hundreds of people with his methods!

Then, one fateful day, a committee arrived, Ben Franklin among them. Dr. Guillotine was also a member of this committe appointed by the French Academy of Science to investigate Mesmer's methods. Having observed the wonderous methods without any insight, they asserted that the healings were the result of Mere Imagination!

This committee dismissed Franz Anton Mesmer as Charlatan!

They did not recognize his Genius. But his followers did. They continued to use and refine his methods and now correctly recognize Mesmer as the Father of Hypnosis.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Mesmerizing Personality

Who was Franz Anton Mesmer?

Franz Anton Mesmer was born in 1734 in Germany. He was educated in the University of Vienna. He studied astronomy, law, philosophy, and medicine. In those days the study of medicine included purging, bleeding, and the administration of opium. These were the most modern techniques they had. Mesmer considered himself a scientist and observed the world around him. He was very interested in healing. He went to the public square to see a healing ceremony done by Father Hell.

Father Hell was a priest who used a huge metal cross to heal the multitude of people who flocked to the square for healing. Mesmer concluded that the healings were not predicated by faith, but rather, were somehow related to the huge metal cross.

Mesmer originated the theory of "Animal Magnetism," based on his observations and his own experiences. He theorized that there was a magnetic fluid inside all living animals which could be influenced by iron rods and restore health to those afflicted with various conditions.

He believed that some kind of blockage of this magnetic fluid would inevitably lead to sickness. He desired to release this blockage, and devised many methods to do so, affecting many cures. Mesmer was very successful for a long period of time, but his ideas and some of his methods were so unusual, that the ruling establishment appointed a committee to investigate his claims. In 1784 Ben Franklin, Dr. Guillotine and others concluded that his cures were based on imagination, not “animal magnetism." Mesmer left France in 1791 and eventually settled in Switzerland.

Mesmer died in obscurity in 1815, but many of his followers continued to perform healings based on his methods. The discovery of the hypnotic state was stumbled upon by accident by one of Mesmer's students, the Marquis de Puysgur, one day when trying to magnetize a young shepherd boy. Rubbing the boy's head had put the boy into a hypnotic sleep. Trying to awaken the boy, the Marquis gave several commands, such as stand up, walk, and sit down, and was astounded to observe the boy obey, yet still remain in his sleeping state. When the shepherd boy finally woke up, he had no memory of these events.

The method used by the Marquis de Puysgur sounds a lot more like hypnotism as it is practiced today than Mesmer's methods. Nevertheless, Mesmer is called the "father of hypnosis." And his followers called his method, "mesmerism," giving us the words mesmerize and mesmerizing.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall Fitness Fiesta Fundraiser

On Friday, October 19 at 5:30 pm come to your friendly fitness club to experience a fabulous fiesta,  as a fundraiser for the AHA. There will be door prizes, games, and drawings for special prizes!

DOOR Prizes!


Boot Camp Workout by Connie Russo

and 100% of the profits will be donated to the American Heart Association!

PMR Elite Fitness

1029 Pinellas Ave (Alt. 19)
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689

See you on Saturday October 19 for a celebration of Heath, Hypnosis, and Fitness!

Mini massages will be available for a small extra donation.

The Hypnosis Demo will enable one smoker to quit for up to 2 days!

Fundraiser for American Heart Association

Put a Lid on it!

OK, I can't figure this out. I have a round plasticware container in my car, and a square lid.

And in my kitchen cabinet I have about 50 square containers of various widths, but only 2 or 3 square lids and 87 round lids!

What is going on here? I know they all had lids that fit when I purchased them and put them in the cabinet. I have even sorted through them a few times, every 6 years or so, and matched them up. So how come I can never find a lid that fits???!

What happened to the round containers that were in the cabinet? Do they sneak out at night? Do they transmute to another shape every 5 years or so? WHERE ARE THEY?!

If you have or know the whereabouts of my round containers, I will trade you the square ones.
Or we could trade lids...

They used to say there is a lid for every pot. I wonder, do they always fit properly?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Why was hypnosis invented?

This is an interesting question. There are many applications for which hypnosis is the best choice, and sleeping problems are among the first that come to mind. Because hypnosis is a natural state and we are all in hypnosis just before sleep and just after waking, it leads to sleep very quickly and easily. Many people listen to a CD or MP3 player while preparing to go to sleep.

But I don't think hypnosis was invented. How could something natural be invented? It took some time and imagination to find out how to use this receptive state for positive benefit. I think the first one to discover it was Mom. Remember Mom saying I'll kiss it and make it better? Mom was using positive intention, expectation and suggestion to take away the sting of a cut or scrape. I knew how to hypnotize others before I had a child, but when I first kissed a boo-boo, I knew mothers had been doing this for thousands of years.

So who was the first to use hypnosis? This is very hard to establish. They have found some hieroglyphics that seem to contain information about a healing method where the client lies down and the practitioner talks to them. Sounds like hypnosis to me.  But they never wrote down the conversations that mothers had with their children. So I conclude the mother of hypnosis is ... Mom!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How to Stop Procrastinating Tomorrow

Put everything possible off til tomorrow. You probably do that already!

That's the easy part.

When you wake up in the morning, jump out of bed and get dressed as quickly as possible. Run around like a crazy person and forget to eat lunch because you don't have the time. After an utterly kaotic day, resolve never to put anything off again!

Exhausted?! I am, just thinking about it!

Use self-hypnosis to be more creative, resourceful and efficient. I am holding a self-hypnosis class in early October. Call 727-946-1531 for more information.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Smokers Get No Pain Relief

Yet another reason to quit! Smoking leads to more pain, depression according to a new study by the International Association for the Study of Pain.

Yes, there is an organization called the International Association for the Study of Pain. And yes, they actually have an event called the World Congress on Pain!

The study shows that smokers suffer more pain, anxiety and depression.

Smokers are more likely to suffer from fibromyalgia, and rarely get relief unless they quit smoking!

Pain patients who smoke experience significantly more pain, depression, and anxiety than those who are nonsmokers — regardless of whether they suffer from centralized or noncentralized pain, a new study finds.  Read the full article here:

These results were presented at the International Association for the Study of Pain 14th World Congress on Pain: Basically, smoking is bad across the board — it makes your pain worse."

The study recommends that anyone who visits a doctor for pain should be instructed to quit smoking first. I recommend that you see your hypnotist to stop smoking, and then go back for a few sessions to learn how to reduce your own pain with self-hypnosis!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Maximize your Strength and Energy

We are having another mind-body workout on Saturday, September 8, at 9:30 AM at:
PMR Elite Fitness
40735 US 19 N.
Tarpon Springs FL 34689

I will challege your mind to increase your mental fitness, then Connie will lead the group in a physical workout. We are a mind-body team and will help expand your mind while whittling your waistline!

Hope to see you there!

Call 727-992-1696 for directions.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Is it HOT in here?!

Please let me know about YOUR hot flash! I am developing some audio sessions which will relieve menopause symptoms.

So far this is the feeling most women tell me about:

A feeling of intense heat, mostly in the chest, neck and face. It feels almost like pressure. It only lasts 30-40 seconds, but when it starts I just want to run away!  When it starts I want it to end immediately. I have no patience. I start to get anxious. I worry that it won't stop. But then I realize it's gone...

Tell me about your hot flash. Just post a comment below. I will pick a winner from the comments and send you a free audio session !

Please send all comments before September 30.

Thank you and Good Luck!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Your Future according to Dr. Pete

Dr. Pete poses the question, "How much are you going to take?" People get so beat up they give up. They seem to have predetermined time in their head, that they should start taking medication at a certain age, because they need it. They have to start using a cane by a certain age, because they might fall. I think a lot has to do with our socialization, chemistry, and our emotional state. All of them have been disturbed either by intentional or unintentional forces/changes. Our emotional state influences our health, basically triggers genetic information that already exists, turning some genes on, which make conditions favorable for diseases, the same as our grandparents. Look at where we are heading. Every investment is horrible, the outlook on the planet is very insecure, there are always threats of terrorist attacks or some disease or weather disasters whether they like to admit it or not, it IS getting HOT. I remember as a child there were 2 or 3 maximum months of heat. Now it's 9 months of relentless heat! My prediction fo the future is to get ready for more heat and more disasters, natural or manmade.

For example, forests need fires to regenerate, so do people. We need something to renew our  human race. We are going thru great changes now to naturally evolve and progress.

Dr. Pete believes we will stand up to the challenge and be better for it!

Cool hot flashes:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I must've gotten hypnotized!

I attended the NGH convention last weekend. And this morning, for the second day in a row, I am waking up on fire! I feel so creative, I can't even write down all my ideas fast enough!

I'm wondering, Did I get hypnotized?  Yes, at least 10 times! It was fantastic! I especially liked the Morning Hypnosis with Matthew Zinder. I was able to attend on Saturday morning, so I heard the feedback from people who attended the previous day (he presented on all 3 days). There were several people who came back, because it was so energizing and yet relaxing at the same time.

Some additional highlights for me were:
Roxanne Louise with Jingles, Rap, and Walking Mantras,
John Weir  with Be a Hypno-preneur,
Mitch Nielsen with Conversational Hypnosis, and
Laurie B. with The Journey to Improving Your Vision.

I'm definitely getting better every day in every way:

In the morning I start wash my face and apply moisturizer saying, "My skin is always smoothe, firm and youthful." Then I massage my face the way Stephanie Ho showed us in her seminar, Hypno-beauty.

Then I workout with my personal trainer, Connie Jo Russo at PMR elite Fitness and repeat over and over, "I'm thinning my middle, my middle is thin!" Connie is very motivational (see!

Then I update my blogs or write pages for my upcoming book, thinking, I have something of value to offer! That is a mantra that I learned from Roxanne Louise in her seminar about Jingles. She calls it a Walkiing Mantra, because you can repeat them while walking. The rhythm helps you to remember it.

And I want to say thanks to my brilliant co-presenter, Michael Raugh. He really put the icing on the cake at the convention for me. He is a great presenter, AND an uber-geek who recorded, mixed, pressed, burned, and packaged our first product, called Magnificent Memory.

Stay tuned, as we are going to present something amazing and magnificent again next year!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunny and Raining

The weather report for today is sunny and raining. At about 9 AM while having breakfast in my Florida room in bright sunlight, I noticed that it had started raining. I looked at the pool, sparkling in the sunlight AND polka-dotted with raindrops. It was beautiful. I checked a few other windows, and though my house has completely bathed in sunshine, it was also being showered from above. About half the sky was covered with dark clouds. I looked for a rainbow, but didn't see one until much later, in a playground. The playground had some plastic structures for children to play on, including a climbing structure, like a ladder, which was curved so that the shape was a semi circle, and it was red, yellow, blue, green and orange. Almost all the colors of the rainbow. Beautiful.

It's amazing what we can see if we look at the things around us!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Menopause is Full of Surprises

Menopause is full of surprises. My advice is be prepared for anything!

Firstly there is the dreaded Hot Flash. A feeling of intense heat accompanied by sweating and flushing. You never know when this will strike, so be prepared, dress in layers and bring a chang of clothes with you.

Then there are the abomninable Night Sweats. This is when a hot flash strikes at night and you wake up drenched in sweat. Not very comfortable!You need to be prepared, have extra pajamas and sheets close at hand.

Then the cursed (and cursing) mood swings. You thought PMS was bad? Just wait for this one!

And don't forget, the malicious memory lapses. Remembering seems like a thing of the past. So you can be prepared by reading up on Mnemonic Devices, and bring a notebook to write down things you want to remember.

Stay tuned for my e-book on Quick Tips to Quell Hot Flashes and Other Menopause Symptoms.

Dr Pete about Sexual Deviants

Dr Pete, the Undercover Coach, has a solution for sexual deviants. He says there is no truly effective treatment, so the best thing is to send all of the sexual deviants out on a cruise to nowhere. That never returns.

This is his comment on a recent news tragedy in Europe. A father was on trial for sexually abusing his 2 daughters. He was acquitted because the authorities could not find enough evidence to indicate that the father was responsible for the physical condition of his daughters private parts. In other words the girls changed their testimony so they don't get their daddy in trouble. This is common in family disputes. The physical damage will heal, but these girls may never be able to have a healthy intimate relationship in their adult years.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Magnificent Mnemonic Devices

Do you need help remembering phone numbers?

I remember calling directory assistance, speaking to a live operator, and repeating a number over and over until I dialed the pizzaria and made an order! We don't even "dial" anymore.

The number would be gone before the pizza arrived. That's called short-term memory!

In order to remember something, and move it to long-term memory, especially a number, you have to elaborate on it.

Elaborate means to think about it, analyze it, or chunk it. It's easier to remember 4 or even 5 chunks of information, instead of 9 numbers.

There's a system for  remembering numbers by assigning sounds to the letters and then making words. It was originated by Mr. Finagle. This is it , for those who want to remember their numbers by finagling with them. That means you don't have to have the number in your cell phone's contact book! You'll actually know the number so you can call it from any phone!

1 - b or p
2 - c or k
3 - f or v
4 - g or j
5 - l
6 - m
7 - n
8 - r
9 - t or d
0 - s

That means my phone number, 727-946-1531 converts to Nikon-Sigma-ball fab.

Try to make a picture out of the words and you'll never forget!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Why did he shoot?

The "Colorado shooter" went to a theater and shot at the crowd, resulting in 12 deaths and 48 injuries. Thank God it wasn't more. It seems his weapon jammed. Thank God!

This person had been stockpiling artillery in his apartment for months. He booby-trapped his apartment before leaving to go to the theater. Where was he planning to go afterwards? The police were smart enough not to enter through the front door. How did they know? If it was known to the authorities that he had been buying weapons, ammunition and explosives on the Internet and having it delivered to his address, why wasn't anyone following him around? Why couldn't this whole tragedy been averted? The authorities knew about the weapons, why wasn't anything done BEFORE the tragedy?

We live in a very disturbed society. Violence is everywhere. It seems that courtesy and compassion have disappeared.

Everyone is wondering why he did it. I'm not sure this is the right question. My question is, why aren't more people going ballistic?

Enemy of Memory

The enemy of memory is stress. I am now convinced. I am scheduled to present Memory Enhancement with Hypnosis on August 11 at the national convention and I am so stressed, that I am forgetting everything. I almost forgot my dentist appointment yesterday!

I just read a good article with tips to improve your memory and concentration:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hot Flash: Is it hot in here?

I am in the process of making a video about the quickest ways to quell hot flashes. I will post the link here as soon as possible.

Here it is:
Keep cool!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

One Hundred Forty One

What is this??! It says 141.2 on the scale this morning. Groan. Bad Scale! Stop that!

I liked it much better when it said 139. But I think I am headed in the right direction. I'll get back on track. The scale is NOT as important as the white jeans, which I did wear on Sunday!~

As my personal trainer says, you can eat anything you want, just watch the portion size!

It's not easy to watch calories when there is a cookout. Portion size is very important. But I do think it is wise to avoid certain things like deserts. For me one little piece of pie is not enough, so it's better if I just choose watermelon instead.

Also some hypnosis and apples today. It's a good idea to eat an apple before you go to the cookout, so you don't pig out on the chips before the hamburgers are cooked. And hypnosis is good for staying motivated by imagining how great you will look and feel when you weigh 136 pounds.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

One Hundred Thirty Nine

Hooray! I'm finally under 140!!! just 4 more to go!

I'm slimming my middle. My middle is slim!

Actually, everything is just getting more firm and toned. It is a good thing! I think I will continue working out at PMR Elite Fitness.

I have become fascinated by the 6 word autobiographies...

I think mine is: Eat, Drink, Pray, Love. Read. Workout.

Or maybe: I read books, sleep, eat, read.

Or maybe: Workout in the morning, read, sleep.

Used to be: Work, eat, read, eat, sleep, repeat.

I do love to read. And somehow, though I tend to be brief, I keep coming up with 7 or 8 words instead of six.

Eat, Drink, Pray, Love, Read, Give thanks.

Only six words is not enough.

(I like this exercise.)

I am reader, writer, hypnotist, philolog.

Feel free to post your 6 word epitaph below!


 I just got The Power of Now by Eckharte Tolle and he says that we need to reduce toughts and emotions and just be the watcher or observer. I am observing right now, that I think too much. Just make a decision and stick with it.

Worrying is just another way to procrastinate.

Monday, June 25, 2012

What's Good About Menopause?

What is good about menopause...?  The obvious answer is no pregnancy worries.

The other good news is that hypnosis can help soothe many of the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. There have NOT been many studies on this, but the few that have been completed indicate that hypnosis can cool hot flashes, improve sleep, reduce tension and irritability, and minimize negative thoughts.

This is very good news for women like you and me!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Elevate Your Enthusiasm

We are presenting The Five Most Effective Ways to Elevate your Energy and Enthusiasm today at 11 am in Tarpon Springs FL.

I'm going to recommend the SMILE method:

1. (s) SMILE! A smile is the only thing you get to keep when you give one away! And a great way to raise your energy. When you look at a face, you can see the energy if the lips are curved upward, even moreso when the lips are curved upward at the ends, and the teeth are showing. It is possible to tell when someone is faking a smile, yet a fake smile can easily turn into an authentic one, so fake it till you make it, when it comes to smiles!

2. (m) Move! If you want energy, you have to move. It is a physical law that a body in motion tends to stay in motion, a body at rest tends to stay at rest. Resist inertia, keep moving.

3. (i) Inspire yourself. I have already discussed using positive language with yourself and others (see  the article called First Tip to Melt Belly Fat). I recommend giving yourself positive messages in the morning, like "I look marvelous. I feel marvelous. I am marvelous!"
Inspire also means breathe in, so I am going to instruct the class on how to breathe like a bellows to raise your energy level. You can use breath to energize yourself or to relax yourself. "As the breath goes, so does the mind."

4. (l) Laughter. I also wrote about laughter before. A hardy belly laugh counts as aerobic exercise. So I recommend 50 minutes per day of laughing. Wouldn't that be an enjoyable way to get your exercise?!

5. (e) E is for Envision yourself as enthusiastic. What does enthusiasm mean to you? Enthusiasm is a word that comes to us from Greek and it means that God or Spirit is inside and radiating light.

I hope I will see you at PMR Elite Fitness at 11 am! A fre.e workout will follow at 12 noon.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

One Hundred Forty 0ne

The scale said 141 this morning! Yippeee!

I think my scale has a mind of its own. The other day I swear it said 139.4. I got on it again to show my husband, and it said 142, so he didn't believe me. I will find a way to fix that insideous machine!

I will let you know when it comes to 136. That is still my goal.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Conquer Your Craving for New Shoes

I cried because I had no shoes, then I met a man who had no feet.

This quotation may be a Persian proverb taken from a collection of ancient poetry by Sadi, taken from a much longer passage:

I never complained of the vicissitudes of fortune, nor suffered my face to be overcast at the revolution of the heavens, except once, when my feet were bare, and I had not the means of obtaining shoes. I came to the chief of Kfah in a state of much dejection, and saw there a man who had no feet. I returned thanks to God and acknowledged his mercies, and endured my want of shoes with patience, and exclaimed,
“Roast fowl to him that’s sated will seem less
Upon the board than leaves of garden cress.
While, in the sight of helpless poverty,
Boiled turnip will a roasted pullet be.”
~SADI, The Gulistan, or Rose Garden

I understand that my desire may be trivial and superficial and that my problem is of small magnitude compared to the man with no feet. But I still want shoes.

Does that make me a bad person?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Elevator to Success

Elevate Your Energy and Enthusiasm

We are presenting Elevate Your Energy and Enthusiasm on Saturday June 16 at PMR Elite in Tarpon Springs.  This will be the third monthly presentation. The presentations are informational and followed by a free workout at noon for all participants.

Please call Gloria at 727-946-1531 or Connie at 727-992-1696
     for more information.

PMR Elite Fitness and Massage is located at 40735 US 19 N.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I love my new GPS!

Finally I got a GPS for Christmas. It really comes in handy. I can go anywhere, if I have the address. Or the correct name. I am always surprised when it can't find something.

I put the name in, and it says
and a little hourglass turns and turns and turns....

If it turns for more than 30 seconds, it is not going to find it.

That's when I start cursing out my GPS. Actually, come to think of it, I curse it out quite often. I travel on US 19 and there has been a lot of construction on this road, which my GPS has not been informed about. There are a few new streets and some that moved over for the new ones.

I guess you would say the relationship is "complicated" or just a love-hate relationship.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ask Dr. Pete

Dr. Pete the Uncover Coach would like to remark upon the current state of the economy. The US is producing cars, which pollute and kill people, tobacco products which kill us slowly, ridiculous stuff like fast food which creates addiction and bad health, education produces good factory workers, so can be unemployed after graduation.

Stop Working! You are only producing JUNK!

The rich people are making money off our backs.

He recommends a week of not working for every adult in the US except police and sanitation. 

You may protest, not working is stressful. So is working! so is driving to work!

You may not be able to pay bills , so what?

Most of us can't pay the bills anyway. It won't kill you, but it may make a point. The point is

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tip Two for Melting Belly Fat

This is the second tip. Healthy Lifestyle.

First they say, Don't eat it, it's bad for you. Then they say it's healthy. Coffee is currently healthy. I don't think it matters to Starbucks. They sell a colossal amount of talle grande colossal coffees every day! I think the foods humans are supposed to eat are fruits and vegetables. And lean meat if you eat meat. Chicken and turkey are supposed to be okay. We recently fasted from meat for 40 days. Severel people asked if I lost weight. Only 3 poounds, aned I've been working out three times each week. for over a month. All I can think of is the pasta. And last weekend we celebrated Greek Orthodox Easter. Did you hear the explosion? That was a homemade Greek bomb! it exploded after I got on the scale!


I just heard the most amusing expression, purported to have originated in the South:
If the cat has kittens in the oven, you don't call them biscuits!


Thursday, May 10, 2012

One hundred Forty Four point Four

One hundred forty four point four. Again. Still. Whatever.

I think my scale is stuck. What do I have to do to get it to move (in the downward direction)???!!

I feel so unmotivated. Need to go do some hypnosis.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

First Tip to Melt Belly Fat

For your convenience, I have collected some tips on how to reduce belly fat, the bane of my existence. Maybe you hate it, too?

The first tip is to Smile and I will expand on each letter.


"S" is for Smile! My trainer, Connie Russo, starts every class saying, "Smile, girls!" This is good advice. Sometimes I don't feel like smiling until she says, we're almost there! Then she says, Four more!

Have you ever seen an exercise class on TV? All the participants have smiles pasted on their faces. Try it, it's a lot harder than it looks. But it is a good way to take your mind off the muscles that are currently screaming in pain. Grin or grimace, it can help you get through the workout.

"S" also stands for self-talk, and I will tell you what to say when you talk to yourself.


"M" is for mirror. I want you to talk to yourself as you look into the mirror every morning. Use positive language. Program your day for good things to happen. Good things happen every day. You can program your day by focusing on good things and using positive language. You can say to yourself, "I lead a charmed life!" or "I am healthy, wealthy, and wise." or whatever else you may be trying to cultivate in yourself. When I wash my face and put on moisturizer in the morning, I look in the mirror and say, "My skin is always smooth, firm, and youthful!"

You can use affirmations all day long. It really is better for you than worrying. And it costs nothing. Many teachers and gurus recommend affirmations, like Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Burt Goldman, Deepak Chopra, and Suze Ormon. Even Suze Ormon says to become wealthy, you should write down your positive statement of Truth 20 times each morning. That's how she became successful!

Think about it, how would your day be if you started it by saying,
I look fabulous, I feel fabulous, I AM fabulous!

Would it be better? Or would it be worse? At the very least, you can start your day with a laugh.


I stands for Inspire yourself. Use positive language to inspire yourself to move towards your goals and reduce fat. Yelling at yourself won't help. Has anyone ever eaten dessert and though you know you shouldn't you went back for just a little bit more? And told yourself, you know you shouldn't get more, you fat cow! Anyone else besides me? Beating yourself up doesn't help, it makes you run for another serving. That's why I don't want you to use negative language. Don't say, "I'm not fat." Say instead, "I am slimming my middle; my middle is slim."

Be kind to yourself!


"L" stands for lighten up. Laughter is an aerobic EXERCISE! The average adult laughs less than 20 times per day. The average child laughs 749 times!!! You don't have to take life so seriously! Laughter is good for you. we'll talk more about it later.


E is for envision yourself successful! This hypnotice technique can help keep you motivated! 

Find out on Saturday, April 21, at 2:00 pm at PMR Elite Fitness and Massage. There is no cost for this experiential workshop.

Four Tips to Melt Belly Fat

Saturday, April 21, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
PMR Elite Fitness and Massage
40375 US 19 North
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689
right across the street from McDonalds, just after Office Depot.

Monday, April 16, 2012

One Hundred Forty Five

Well, it was a long weekend. We celebrated Greek Orthodox Easter. And that means one feast after another. Saturday, we cooked all day, and ate, too. Now we have about 50 flaouna to consume over the next few days.

I don't know how many calories are in it. Probably a lot more than I should eat at any meal. They are somewhat difficult to make and we only make them at Easter.

What should I do?

I'll hae to start over tomorrow. Or maybe in a week or 2 when all the flaouna are gone...

One Hundred Forty Two point Four

OK, now we are talking!!!

I am fast approaching the under 140 mark.

I can't wait!

Friday, March 30, 2012

One Hundred Forty Four

Yeah, I'm still at 144. So I have to step things up a bit. I wanted a slow but steady drop of one pound per week. I started writing down my food intake again. I didn't record it for awhile, and somehow I kept forgetting to put down some little snacks here and there. I guess that is my problem: snacking. I like to graze all evening long. I like fruits and nuts and ice cream. Ah, that may be another problem. I'm going to buy sherbet, that has fewer calories. I can't wait to see that scale at 135 pounds. I am visualizing myself looking down at that digital scale and seeing 135.0. Wow! That feels good!!

I like real food. But I think I should be able to eat good food, and all kinds of food. I guess the secret is portion-size, like Connie says!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

One Hundred Forty Four Point Four

I weighed myself this morning and the scale said 144.4. I feel better now. Thank you.

Friday, March 23, 2012

One Hundred Forty Five again

The scale said today 145.2. I liked it better when it said 143 point something. That's my low for March. It was actually 143.8.

The scale at PMR Fitness says I lost one pound. The tape measure indicates I lost ONE WHOLE INCH from my waist. So that is very good news, as I don't always trust scales. Scales don't give enough information. I don't think they are a good guage of health. I'm pretty healthy, but I could be much healthier (and prettier) at 135. I'm not asking too much. I was 126 when I met my husband 16 years ago. I would have to really deprive myself to get back there. I don't have to be skinny. I just want to fit in my clothes. I'm not buying a larger size. And I don't like tight clothing.

I must admit I had hoped that it would be a straight line directly to 135! But I will be honest with you. It's a challenge for me.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

One Hundred Forty Three Point Eight

One Hundred Forty Four point eight pounds on the scale a day or 2 ago. It was 143.8 this morning!!! I am starting to make the effort to write down what I eat. I hope to have time to look up the calories, too. I would like to limit my calorie intake to about 1100 calories per day. I am still working out a few times each week with Connie Russo at PMR Elite Fitness and Massage. I think I made a good choice. It definitely helps me with motivated to exercise along with a few others. It helps me to eat healthy to write down my food intake and it helps to write this stuff in my blog!

Writing seems to help me a lot. For example, I was going to eat some candy yesterday, but just thinking about writing it down and showing it to Connie, made me think twice and decide to eat an apple instead.

Also, I think using self-hypnosis to reinforce good habits really reduces craving. And increases cravings for healthy stuff like apples!

Monday, March 5, 2012

One Hundred Forty Five point two

This morning the scale says 145.2. That's one pound more than yesterday. Should I panic? Maybe I should stop eating for a day or two? That's not really feasible for me. I have no success fasting.

Maybe I should just dump this whole diet thing and give up.

Wait! I'm not a quitter. And no scale is gonna be the boss of me!! The scale is just a tool. I'm only using it to reinforce good behavior. I'm not married to it, for Heaven's sake! This is just a tempory setback. Not even a setback. It seems normal for my weight to fluctuate. Some people weigh themselves several times per day. This is obsessive and counter-productive. Some times it takes a while for the scale to catch up with you. Patience and persistence is the key. I do want to lose weight, but my real goal is to feel better and be healthier. Let's just say this is a bump in the road. Shedding pounds is not easy.  You have to learn how. If you beat yourself up every time you eat ice cream or lasagna, you will just crave more. I intend to eat all kinds of tasty foods. I'm not going to give anything up.  Peoople who are naturally thin do not count calories. Somehow they just compensate with activity or a salad later. I want to be a naturally thin person. Hey, that should be easy for me, since for most of my life I have been. I can use hypnosis to help my mind stay on track and maintain a healthy weight for me now as my metabolism adjusts. So all I need is an attitude adjustment. (And maybe I can adjust that scale...)

One Hundred Forty Four point two

Yesterday morning the scale said 144.2. So I'm going in the right direction. I finally started counting calories. I consume under 2000 per day. I probably burned at least 250 trying to calculate them. The list I have doesn't have foods I eat or even drinks on it. So I had to search on the web for calories for vegetable lasagna, pistachio ice cream and soy milk.

I have a workout planned for today, tomorrow and Thursday. I can ride my bike the other days. I enjoy a bike ride outside in the morning. I like to work out in the morning also. I am definitely a morning person!

I am also using self-hypnosis for slimming. Hunger is in your body, but appetite is in your mind and hypnosis is excellent for curbing your appetite. If you don't eat you will feel hungry. That's biology. And biology is controlled by the mind, too, but you can't eat exactly the same way and reduce fat. So hypnosis alone, without any effort does not slim your waist. I've tried it that way. That's why I've expanded a little over the past few years. The body's metabolism slows down a little every year, so you can't consume the same amont of calories. The best way to change your shape is to reduce calorie intake and burn more calories with activity, and use hypnosis to reinforce healthy behaviors and attitudes toward food.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I Love My GPS

I got a GPS for Christmas. My first one. I feel like I have been blessed with modern technology. It is so reassuring to have a GPS. I no longer have to worry about getting impossible or serpentine directions from a friend. I can never be lost with this! I never have to stop and ask for directions! UNLESS...
I don't have a complete address, or I put in the city NEXT to the post office official city, or I spell it wrong... When it searches the directory for more than 10 seconds I know it doesn't have it, but the wheels keep spinning and the hourglass keeps turning round and round.

The other day I wanted to kill it. I was going to a school I've never been to before. I just had a name. It might be relatively new, because it was not listed on my GPS as a school.  I didn't have the street address, so I had to call my husband for directions. That's not supposed to happen anymore!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

One Hundred Forty Six

I went camping over the weekend, so I wasn't in full control of the menu. I did clean and cut up celery and carrots to take in the car for the 4 hour ride. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring them. :(
We had lots of activities, including taking a walk in the woods at 6:30 AM on Saturday morning. All that fresh air makes you hungry!! So I had scrambled eggs and grits. Bacon, and a biscuit. As I said, it makes you really hungry.

They had tacos, beans and rice for lunch and spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Don't forget the garlic bread. I did avoid the cookies and brownies for dessert. But I was really hungry and ate well. There was a lot of activity and exercise, so I really needed the energy. And that fresh air makes you hungry.

Did you know that fresh air makes you hungry? It's true!

Friday, February 24, 2012

One Hundred Forty Six point 4

I weighed myself this morning. I don't really think the scale should be my boss, but it will be one way to see that I have achieved my goal. The real way I will know is that I will fit and feel comfortable in my white jeans.

Anyway I know I have made a good choice by selecting Connie Russo at PMR Elite Fitness and Massage in Tarpon Springs. Connie is my partner as I learn to change my lifestyle to be aligned with my ideal physical image. So far I have worked out twice this week in the morning with Connie and a few others. For me, this boosts my motivation, because though I am comfortable taking it slow, I get more motivated when I slow down, but see others putting forth the effort. If they can do it, so can I!

 I am also keeping a food journal. Connie has provided a calorie counter, so I may learn how to finally do that. She did have a measuring tape and my waist came in at 32 inches. The good news is that the medical community has determined that 35 inches is the danger level for women. So the good news is that I am below the danger level!

Monday, February 20, 2012

One Hundred Forty Seven Pounds

I stepped on the scale this morning. This is the starting point. It said 147. I have determined that I need to lose 10 pounds. Well, 11. Actually 12. I have been struggling with these 10 pounds for 2 years now and they seem to be particularly stubborn. I blame it on hormones or age. Actually both. I blame it on menopause. Or perimenopause, which is the modern term. I have never weighed more than 150 punds. I reached 150 just before I gave birth to my son. So this fat around the middle is very uncomfortable for me. It's like wearing sandbags. It very much reminds me of my pregnant belly, as I never really carried a lot of weight in that area before. I am a pear, not an apple and have always had a waist much smaller than my hips. So now that the fat is gathering in the middle, where it should NOT be, I am determined to eliminate in a slow and healthy way. I'd like to eliminate it right NOW, but it doesn't seem to work that way. I have never been on a restrictive diet and I do not have the discipline to learn how to count calories and carbs now. I don't like to be hungry. So I've got to figure out a way to make losing fat fun or at least interesting. I'd like to share my journey with you. This will help me with my motivation. You see, I have decided before to lose those unwanted pounds. So how do I find myself here, at 147? I don't know. All I know is I want my waistline back.

As I am new to this, I have decided that 10 weeks should be sufficient to eliminate10 er 12 pounds . I will see 135 pounds on my scale on or before April 30, 2012.

This is the first step, making a decision. No, that was already made. The first step for me is announcing it to the world. So I have to reduce. Otherwise I will feel very foolish.

I think the dangerous width of the waistline is 30 inches for women. I might not be able to findmy measuring tape, but I can probably have my waist measured by my personal trainer tomorrow. I will be taking a class on Tuesday and Thursday mornings starting tomorrow.

Friday, February 10, 2012

What's Hypnosis Got to Do With IT?

After reading about the principal who resigned after 2 students committed suicide, I am wondering why they think he is somehow to blame. It seems he is certified in hypnosis and has used hypnosis with many of his students in order to relieve test anxiety. Hypnosis is very useful for this purpose. It can also be used to reduce stress and other types of anxiety (excessive worrying).

So I keep wondering why it is significant that he used hypnosis with these students. I have been using hypnosis for over 15 years and have never heard of any link with suicide or even suicidal thoughts. I have heard, however, that there is an epidemic of teen suicide in the US. Hypnosis is such a wonderful tool for self-development, I just can't help thinking, that these kids could have benefited from using hypnosis more often!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The continuum from Willful to Willing

When it comes to change, there are two possible reactions.

Are you willing to move forward and go with the flow? Or are you stubbornly refusing to accept change and being resistent and willful?
It's not easy to flow with change. Even though we may have been complaining for a long time, say about a job, we don't like it when the supervisor decides to downsize or change the requirements of the job without consulting us first. But by being willful we gain nothing. We are seen as old dogs.
People who are willing to change seem to go further.

Sometimes we don't want to leave familiar things behind. We believe the devil we know is better than the devil we don't know. But if we don't change, how will we know which is really better?

Change may be difficult, but change IS good. We must change or stagnate. Change definitely is better.

Monday, January 30, 2012

when desire becomes intention

Martha Beck has written a delightful book called The Joy Diet. Although this book contains 10 menu items, it is not about food, nor about diet as as now use the word. Beck purports that diet originally meant something more like lifestyle, rather than a painful plan of eating that takes all enjoyment away from the bland nutrients you consume.

I enjoy her subtle sense of humor, as well as her insight into the minds of men and women everywhere. She really seems like a normal person as she recounts stories about the clients she has worked with as a life coach. And she was the first life coach I ever encountered among the thousands that are now ubiquitous on the web.

She speaks about goals as desires, so passionate as to be irrestible, so motivation is never lacking when you truly know your heart's desire. Now these are goals that inspire!

The book is called The Joy Diet.