Tuesday, February 28, 2012

One Hundred Forty Six

I went camping over the weekend, so I wasn't in full control of the menu. I did clean and cut up celery and carrots to take in the car for the 4 hour ride. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring them. :(
We had lots of activities, including taking a walk in the woods at 6:30 AM on Saturday morning. All that fresh air makes you hungry!! So I had scrambled eggs and grits. Bacon, and a biscuit. As I said, it makes you really hungry.

They had tacos, beans and rice for lunch and spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Don't forget the garlic bread. I did avoid the cookies and brownies for dessert. But I was really hungry and ate well. There was a lot of activity and exercise, so I really needed the energy. And that fresh air makes you hungry.

Did you know that fresh air makes you hungry? It's true!

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