Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Success! I have finally managed to change my web hosting service. After 4 days, 4 calls to StartLogic, and 2 calls to 1 and 1, reading tutorials, banging my head against the wall, and a few prayers, my website is up and running and my email works, too!

Don't ask me why these things were not available, just send me another email if you sent a message over the past few days and didn't get a response!

Who said these things were complicated??!! Thank Heaven for the toll-free technical support phone numbers!

I also want you to know that http://www.enlightenedhypnosis.com/ is a green website!

My web host announced last month, that my site is powered by 100% wind energy.

Wild, huh?


Cool and breezy!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hypnotic Trance

This morning I heard someone say something I never heard before! She said this phrase, "hypnotic stupor." After doing hypnosis for over 10 years, I cannot remember seeing anyone in a "hypnotic stupor." All of my clients report feeling more alert, creative and resourceful while in a hypnotic trance. Almost all of them do appear quite relaxed on the outside, as I do encourage relaxation for all of my stressed clients. But Stupor? Hypnosis is far from it. I would have to say that this phrase is an oxymoron.

I would even say that many people go thru life in an automatic, dissociated, unemotional way. That I might call stupor, but that is not hypnosis. That is the opposite of hypnosis. It reminds me of something Milton Erickson said:
"Hypnosis is the temporary interruption of habitual behavior in order to find creative solutions."

For more interesting trivia about the word "stupor," see my other blog, Philologsblog.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happiness Part One

Interestingly enough, what people think and say will make them happy, doesn't.

And Abraham Lincoln had it right when he said, "People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

I have read some books lately about Happiness. One was fiction, the other non-fiction.

The Happiness Code, by Amy Herrick--about a genetically modified baby, born with the "happiness" gene and some of his adventures while just a year old.

I can't remember the title about noticing the happy times and enjoying them and how to look at other events in a more positive way. (the next book I will read will be about improving the memory!)

And the best book about how to include more joy in your life, The Joy Diet by Martha Beck.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You are Magnificent

Have you ever stopped to revel in your own magnificence?

Or do you let your inner slavedriver dictate your attitude?

These are just a few thoughts I had after listening to Dr. Judith Orloff on her audiobook this morning. The bold words above are some phrases she used in just the introduction, before the first chapter. I just love the poetry in them!

It is time to replace your negative programming with self-love and self-acceptance of the very special and unique and creative and brilliant person you truly are. That's right. It's time to celebrate your life and to celebrate you!