Saturday, June 16, 2012

Elevate Your Enthusiasm

We are presenting The Five Most Effective Ways to Elevate your Energy and Enthusiasm today at 11 am in Tarpon Springs FL.

I'm going to recommend the SMILE method:

1. (s) SMILE! A smile is the only thing you get to keep when you give one away! And a great way to raise your energy. When you look at a face, you can see the energy if the lips are curved upward, even moreso when the lips are curved upward at the ends, and the teeth are showing. It is possible to tell when someone is faking a smile, yet a fake smile can easily turn into an authentic one, so fake it till you make it, when it comes to smiles!

2. (m) Move! If you want energy, you have to move. It is a physical law that a body in motion tends to stay in motion, a body at rest tends to stay at rest. Resist inertia, keep moving.

3. (i) Inspire yourself. I have already discussed using positive language with yourself and others (see  the article called First Tip to Melt Belly Fat). I recommend giving yourself positive messages in the morning, like "I look marvelous. I feel marvelous. I am marvelous!"
Inspire also means breathe in, so I am going to instruct the class on how to breathe like a bellows to raise your energy level. You can use breath to energize yourself or to relax yourself. "As the breath goes, so does the mind."

4. (l) Laughter. I also wrote about laughter before. A hardy belly laugh counts as aerobic exercise. So I recommend 50 minutes per day of laughing. Wouldn't that be an enjoyable way to get your exercise?!

5. (e) E is for Envision yourself as enthusiastic. What does enthusiasm mean to you? Enthusiasm is a word that comes to us from Greek and it means that God or Spirit is inside and radiating light.

I hope I will see you at PMR Elite Fitness at 11 am! A fre.e workout will follow at 12 noon.

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