Monday, February 25, 2008

Improve your Love Life

I keep getting things by email about hypnosis and self-hypnosis. The latest is about using self-hypnosis for improving your love life!

** Relationship Tip of the Day by Debra Berndt, CHt **--------------------------------
The easiest way to change the film of your subconscious programming is through self-hypnosis. Just a simple, light relaxation opens the door to the editing room of your mind, and you can rewrite the film script of your life. Most single people make the mistake of continuing to focus on being alone and miserable instead of imagining themselves in a happy relationship. By visualizing yourself in a happy relationship and flooding your mind with beliefs that you are confident and lovable through self-hypnosis, your film strip is rewritten, and a new love story unfolds in your life's movie. The important thing to realize is that it will not appear until you truly believe it as you are visualizing and feeling how it would feel to be completely loved. Visualization only works when you engage the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Read the rest of the article, "Changing the Movie of Your Love Life," at

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