Monday, July 7, 2008

Ageless Memory

Book Review of the Month:

Ageless Memory, Simple Secrets for Keeping Your Brain Young, by Harry Lorayne.

This is an excellent book, full of mnemonic devices and challenging word puzzles. The author demonstrates how you can train your memory to be more efficient. He says that you can't forget something if you never "get" it, so if you are more mindful and if you use his techniques to "get" the information, you won't for-get it very soon. This quotation from the book reminds me of something I learned from NLP:

"It is the mundane, ordinary, everyday things that we tend to forget. The unique, the impossible, the ridiculous, the absurd are unforgettable."

Although this book has a second subtitle, which is "Foolproof Methods for People Over 50," it contains methods that can be used by anyone, even those of us under 50. I'm only reading it because of my impending presentation, The Hypnotic Fountain of Youth, and because of the title's similarity to Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, by Deepak Chopra.

Remember to pick it up next time you are in the library or bookstore!

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