Monday, August 25, 2008

The Self-Hypnosis Diet Book

The library just called. I have one overdue item. I think it's this one, so I will review it and then return it today!

The Self-Hypnosis Diet, Use the Power of Your Mind to Reach Your Perfect Weight, by Steven and Joy Gurgevich. This is an excellent book for hypnotists, or anyone who might be interested in adjusting their weight or shape. When I work with someone who wants to slenderize, I choose my words carefully. The tendency is to find things you have lost, or regain pounds you lose, so that's why I said slenderize. This book is about the relationship you have with food. It says you should have a loving, nurturing relationship. It says it is possible to be attracted to healthy foods and it even goes so far as to say it is easy and natural for you to attain and maintain your perfect weight. I love it!

It has lots of positive examples which help keep you motivated. They also mention a few different techniques to keep you moving in the right direction, and to keep you moving (exercise). What I love most is the non-surgical gastric bypass. A woman, using imagination and visualization (self-hypnosis techniques) successfully adjusts her weight whenever she needs to, by implementing a gastric bypass, which makes it possible for her to eat whatever she wants an still slenderize. Whenever she thinks the scale is over her perfect number, she just implements this technique. The beauty is that it is reversible, unlike the surgical kind. And it works just like the surgical to speed up her digestion process. And somehow her appetite cooperates, because she is also aware of eating more fruits and vegetables and consuming smaller portions, so that's why after 2 or 3 times, she doesn't have to implement it over and over again!

I highly recommend it.

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