Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Healthy Habits

I just hard Andrew Weil talking about optimism on the audiobook, Your guide to optimum Health at any age. See previous post for full title.

He says "Optimism can be learned. Optimists do better than pessimists in almost all aspects of their lives, including the function of the immune system."

I only wonder why he said ALMOST all. What could he be thinking? Or was he just being cautious. He is very careful not to make sweeping generalizations. He likes to be scientific if he can, but he does believe that there are influences that we cannot see or measure. So his book includes mind and spiritual techniques as well as physical methods to optimize your health.

He tends to be conservative, but he does take supplements and recommends some towards the end of the book. He also recommends yoga, meditation and self-hypnosis.

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