Friday, January 30, 2009

Transformational Book Review

This is the transformational book review for January edition of Verbal Impact newsletter!

(Of course, I mean that the book is transformational, not this review.)

I enthusiastically recommend this transformational book, Writing Down your Soul, by Janet Conner. The subtitle is How to Activate and Listen to the Extraordinary Voice Within.

If you want answers, this is the way to get them. I'm talking about the kind of answers that you cannot get with google or blackle. All you have to do is write every day. The method is explained in the book. This is a how-to book, and you cannot read it passively, though there are lots of interesting examples. You really have to apply the steps and see how it the practice develops in your life and helps you make decisions about what to do.

The most interesting thing for me is that this is a method which puts you in touch with deep feelings, with your subconscious and perhaps even deeper. The process occurs when your brain waves are in the Theta range, the same brain wave pattern that occurs while in hypnosis. Therefore, I would say that it is a form of self-hypnosis. I intended to discuss this method with other hypnotists during my presentation about Self-hypnosis at the National Guild convention in August.

I also liked the research she mentions in the book. It seems that writing is good for us physiologically and can even help the unemployed find jobs! Perhaps they just find more confidence and motivation, because it says that out of a group of 60 unemployed over-55 men, 53% had found jobs 8 months later. While the ones who did not write about their experiences and feelings remained 82% unemployed (only 18% found jobs). What is most interesting about this particular study is that all the grops had about the same number of interviews. The big difference was who were offered jobs.

Writing is not only good for your immune system, but good for your financial wellbeing, as well!

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