Thursday, January 21, 2010

Monday Mourning

Monday is a good day, because I get a newsletter every monday morning, Coffee with Kevin Hogan. But it did not come this week until Tuesday. I guess thats why it wasn't such a good day for me. I wound up wearing black from head to toe, and while that isn't unusual for most people, I rarely wear black. It's not a very flattering color for me, so I usually only wear black skirts or pants. I have a black sweater, but never wore it until this year when it was just too cold at work and I needed several sweaters to keep warm.

When I left the house, I observed that I was wearing all black and felt a little down, so I realized I was in mourning. I guess I was in mourning for my weekend. They seem to go too fast. And the week flies by without my accomplishing anything I really want to accomplish....

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