This is a small excerpt from
Embraced by the Light by Betty Eadie:
There are positive (light, goodness, kindness, hope, etc.) and negative (hatred, fear, selfishness, discouragement) energies.
When we internalize these energies, they become our servants, and like attracts like and we associate with others like us.
I saw how a person's words actually affect the energy field around him. The very words themselves, the vibrations in the air, they attract one type of energy or another. There is power in our thoughts. We create our surroundings by the thoughts we think. If we understood the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.
If we understood the awesome power of our words we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and our words we create our weaknesses and our strengths.
I agree with her about words, vibrations, etc.