Monday, February 18, 2013

Presidents' Birthdays

Today we celebrate Presidents' Day, but it not the birthday of either Lincoln or Washington. Lincoln was born 2-12 and Washington was born 2-22. Official the federal government celebrates only Washington's birthday, and since it is celebrated on the third Monday of February, it will never actually fall on his birthday. The Uniform Monday Holiday Act did NOT combing Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays, although there have been numerous attempts to do so.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A New Super Hero

I would like to announce a new Super Hero. I won't call her a heroine, as that evokes a different shade of meaning. Her name is Menopause Woman!

She is able to generate and radiate heat at the most inopportune moments. Able to leap small children in a single bound. Able to cut down the largest bully with a look. Able to clean and organize any kitchen in just an hour.

maybe Hot Flash Woman is a better name.

For ways to quell the hot flash, see my video at
Quick Ways to Quell Hot Flashes!

What ever you do, DON'T cross Menopause Woman! or her sidekick, Perry Meno!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Global Anonymous Love Letters

I just had to do this after viewing the videos on Global Love project:

If you are reading this, it is meant for you. I want you to know that you are loved.

You are amazing. You are special. You are unique.

You are loved. Are you thinking, who me? I would probably be thinking that if I found this letter... Yes, you!

I love you. Spread the Love. Thank you.