Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Even More Benefits

Many people already know the benefits of meditation: better
sleep, relief from stress, and a general sense of well being -
among other things. But many people don't know how to fit
meditation into their daily routine or simply aren't sure of how
to get the most from their practice.

Now, thanks to Mark Beck, there is an inexpensive, easy way to learn how. His book, Personal Empowerment through Meditation is a short handbook on a very practical method. It's available at smashwords, and other places where you can find e-books.

Beck writes about stillness. He says that stillness is water's true nature and that the Mind is like a glass of water with some sediment in it. Your mind is like this glass of water: it can be turbulent and muddy, or still and (mostly) clear.

He says that meditation is a "powerful tool that can help us lead happier and more peaceful lives."

So, if you've ever had trouble meditating, or are just beginning, you want to read this book! There are many physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits of meditation.

The benefits include inner peace as well as world peace, according to some...See the previous post for the scoop on world peace!

Also, see the book review on Verbal Impact.


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